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quorum_trackstop(3) [centos man page]

QUORUM_TRACKSTOP(3)				    Corosync Cluster Engine Programmer's Manual 			       QUORUM_TRACKSTOP(3)

quorum_trackstop - Disable callbacks notification. SYNOPSIS
#include <corosync/quorum.h> int quorum_trackstart(quorum_handle_t *handle); DESCRIPTION
The quorum_trackstop function is used to disable callbacks notification from the quorum API. RETURN VALUE
This call returns the CS_OK value if successful, otherwise an error is returned. ERRORS
CS_ERR_TRY_AGAIN Resource temporarily unavailable CS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid argument CS_ERR_ACCESS Permission denied CS_ERR_LIBRARY The connection failed CS_ERR_INTERRUPT System call inturrupted by a signal CS_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED The requested protocol/functuality not supported CS_ERR_MESSAGE_ERROR Incorrect auth message received CS_ERR_NO_MEMORY Not enough memory to completed the requested task SEE ALSO
quorum_overview(8), quorum_initialize(3), quorum_finalize(3), quorum_getquorate(3), quorum_trackstart(3), quorum_fd_get(3), quorum_dis- patch(3), quorum_context_set(3), quorum_context_get(3) corosync Man Page 2014-06-10 QUORUM_TRACKSTOP(3)

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QUORUM_CONTEXT_SET(3)				    Corosync Cluster Engine Programmer's Manual 			     QUORUM_CONTEXT_SET(3)

quorum_context_set - Sets the context variable for a QUORUM instance SYNOPSIS
#include <corosync/quorum.h> int quorum_context_set(quorum_handle_t handle, void *context); DESCRIPTION
The quorum_context_set function is used to set the context variable for a quorum instance. It has no meaning insire libquorum itself and will not be touched by the library. It can be retrieved using quorum_context_get(3) RETURN VALUE
This call returns the CS_OK value if successful, otherwise an error is returned. ERRORS
CS_ERR_TRY_AGAIN Resource temporarily unavailable CS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid argument CS_ERR_ACCESS Permission denied CS_ERR_LIBRARY The connection failed CS_ERR_INTERRUPT System call inturrupted by a signal CS_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED The requested protocol/functuality not supported CS_ERR_MESSAGE_ERROR Incorrect auth message received CS_ERR_NO_MEMORY Not enough memory to completed the requested task SEE ALSO
quorum_overview(8), quorum_initialize(3), quorum_finalize(3), quorum_getquorate(3), quorum_trackstart(3), quorum_trackstop(3), quo- rum_fd_get(3), quorum_dispatch(3), quorum_context_get(3) corosync Man Page 2014-06-10 QUORUM_CONTEXT_SET(3)
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