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pmtrimnamespace(3) [centos man page]

PMTRIMNAMESPACE(3)					     Library Functions Manual						PMTRIMNAMESPACE(3)

pmTrimNameSpace - prune a performance metrics name space C SYNOPSIS
#include <pcp/pmapi.h> int pmTrimNameSpace(void); cc ... -lpcp DESCRIPTION
If the current Performance Metrics Application Programming Interface (PMAPI) context corresponds to a version 1 archive log of Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) performance metrics (as collected by pmlogger(1) -V1), then the currently loaded Performance Metrics Name Space (PMNS), is trimmed to exclude metrics for which no description can be found in the archive. The PMNS is further trimmed to remove empty subtrees that do not contain any performance metric. Since PCP archives usually contain some subset of all metrics named in the default PMNS, pmTrimNameSpace effectively trims the applica- tion's PMNS to contain only the names of the metrics in the archive. Since PCP 2.0, pmTrimNameSpace is only needed for dealing with version 1 archives. Version 2 archives actually store the "trimmed" PMNS. Prior to any trimming, the PMNS is restored to the state as of the completion of the last pmLoadASCIINameSpace(3) or pmLoadNameSpace(3), so the effects of consecutive calls to pmTrimNameSpace with archive contexts are not additive. If the current PMAPI context corresponds to a host and a pmLoadASCIINameSpace(3) or pmLoadNameSpace(3) call was made, then the PMNS reverts to all names loaded into the PMNS at the completion of the last pmLoadASCIINameSpace(3) or pmLoadNameSpace(3), i.e. any trimming is undone. On success, pmTrimNameSpace returns zero. SEE ALSO
pmlogger(1), PMAPI(3), pmLoadASCIINameSpace(3), pmLoadNameSpace(3), pmNewContext(3) and pmns(5). DIAGNOSTICS
PM_ERR_NOPMNS you must have loaded a PMNS using pmLoadASCIINameSpace(3) or pmLoadNameSpace(3) before calling pmTrimNameSpace PM_ERR_NOCONTEXT the current PMAPI context is invalid Performance Co-Pilot PCP PMTRIMNAMESPACE(3)

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PMGETCHILDRENSTATUS(3)					     Library Functions Manual					    PMGETCHILDRENSTATUS(3)

pmGetChildrenStatus - return the descendent nodes of a PMNS node and their respective status C SYNOPSIS
#include <pcp/pmapi.h> int pmGetChildrenStatus(const char *name, char ***offspring, int **status); cc ... -lpcp DESCRIPTION
Given a fully qualified pathname to a node in the current Performance Metrics Name Space (PMNS), as identified by name, pmGetChildrenStatus returns via offspring a list of the relative names of all of the immediate descendent nodes of name in the current PMNS. As a special case, if name is an empty string (i.e.""), the immediate descendants of the root node in the PMNS will be returned. If status is not NULL, then pmGetChildrenStatus will also return the status of each child via status. The status will refer to either a leaf node (with value PMNS_LEAF_STATUS ) or a non-leaf node (with value PMNS_NONLEAF_STATUS ). Normally, pmGetChildrenStatus will return the number of descendent names discovered, else a value less than zero for an error. The value zero indicates that name is a valid metric name, i.e. is associated with a leaf node in the PMNS. The resulting list of pointers offspring and the values (the relative names) that the pointers reference will have been allocated by pmGetChildrenStatus with a single call to malloc(3C), and it is the responsibility of the pmGetChildrenStatus caller to free(offspring) to release the space when it is no longer required. The same holds true for the status array. When an error occurs, or name is a leaf node (i.e. the result of pmGetChildrenStatus is less than one), both offspring and status are unde- fined (no space will have been allocated, and so calling free(3C) is a singularly bad idea). PCP ENVIRONMENT
Environment variables with the prefix PCP_ are used to parameterize the file and directory names used by PCP. On each installation, the file /etc/pcp.conf contains the local values for these variables. The $PCP_CONF variable may be used to specify an alternative configura- tion file, as described in pcp.conf(5). Values for these variables may be obtained programmatically using the pmGetConfig(3) function. SEE ALSO
PMAPI(3), pmGetChildren(3), pmGetConfig(3), pmLoadASCIINameSpace(3), pmLoadNameSpace(3), pmLookupName(3), pmNameID(3), pcp.conf(5), pcp.env(5) and pmns(5). DIAGNOSTICS
PM_ERR_NOPMNS Failed to access a PMNS for operation. Note that if the application hasn't a priori called pmLoadNameSpace(3) and wants to use the distributed PMNS, then a call to pmGetChildrenStatus must be made inside a current context. PM_ERR_NAME The pathname name is not valid in the current PMNS PM_ERR_* Other diagnostics are for protocol failures when accessing the distributed PMNS. Performance Co-Pilot PCP PMGETCHILDRENSTATUS(3)
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