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pmdatext(3) [centos man page]

PMDATEXT(3)						     Library Functions Manual						       PMDATEXT(3)

pmdaText - extract metric help text for a PMDA C SYNOPSIS
#include <pcp/pmapi.h> #include <pcp/impl.h> #include <pcp/pmda.h> int pmdaText(int ident, int type, char **buffer, pmdaExt *pmda); cc ... -lpcp_pmda -lpcp DESCRIPTION
As part of the Performance Metrics Domain Agent (PMDA) API (see PMDA(3)), pmdaText uses the standard PMDA(3) data structures to return the help text for metric ident in buffer. The help text must be located in help text files created with newhelp(1), and the associated files are automatically opened by pmdaInit(3). The path to the (basename of the) help text files can be set in the calls to pmdaDSO(3) or pmdaDaemon(3) and overridden by the -h command line option in pmdaGetOpt(3). The encoding of ident follows the internal scheme used below the routines pmLookupText(3) and pmLookupInDomText(3), namely ident encodes either a metric identifier or an instance domain identifier, according to the value of type. The type argument is a bit mask that encodes the interpretation of ident and the requested form of help text, as follows: either PM_TEXT_PMID if ident is a metric identifier, or PM_TEXT_INDOM if ident is an instance domain identifier, plus either PM_TEXT_ONELINE for the one line help text or PM_TEXT_HELP for the full help text. The buffer is managed internally (usually it is cached), and it should not be released or freed by the caller of pmdaText. DIAGNOSTICS
If the requested help text could not be obtained, pmdaText will return PM_ERR_TEXT. CAVEAT
The PMDA must be using PMDA_PROTOCOL_2 or later, as specified in the call to pmdaDSO(3) or pmdaDaemon(3). SEE ALSO
newhelp(1), malloc(3), PMAPI(3), PMDA(3), pmdaDaemon(3), pmdaDSO(3), pmdaInit(3), pmLookupInDomText(3) and pmLookupText(3). Performance Co-Pilot PCP PMDATEXT(3)

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PMDAINSTANCE(3) 					     Library Functions Manual						   PMDAINSTANCE(3)

pmdaInstance - return instance descriptions for a PMDA C SYNOPSIS
#include <pcp/pmapi.h> #include <pcp/impl.h> #include <pcp/pmda.h> int pmdaInstance(pmInDom indom, int inst, char *name, __pmInResult **result, pmdaExt *pmda); cc ... -lpcp_pmda -lpcp DESCRIPTION
pmdaInstance uses the standard PMDA(3) data structures to return information concerning the instance domain indom. The result structure is constructed by pmdaInstance and will contain one or more instance names and/or identifiers as specified by the inst and name arguments. If inst has the value PM_IN_NULL and name is a null string, result will contain all the instances names and identifiers in the instance do- main. If inst is PM_IN_NULL but name is the name of an instance in the instance domain indom, then result will contain the instance identifier for instance name. Note that if name contains no spaces, partial matching up to the first space in the instance name is performed, i.e. ``1'' will match instance name ``1 minute''. If name contains an embedded space, then no partial matching is performed and name should match one of the instance names exactly. If name is a null string but inst is an instance identifier in the instance domain indom, then result will contain the name for instance inst. The result structure is allocated with malloc(3) and should be released by the caller with free(3). DIAGNOSTICS
If any errors occur during the execution of pmdaInstance, the result structure is deallocated. If the instance domain indom is not sup- ported by the PMDA, pmdaInstance will return PM_ERR_INDOM. If the inst or name does not correspond to any instances in the indom domain, pmdaInstance will return PM_ERR_INST. CAVEAT
The PMDA must be using PMDA_INTERFACE_2 or later, as specified in the call to pmdaDSO(3) or pmdaDaemon(3). Because of optional partial matching up to the first space in the instance name, the PMDA developer should ensure that if instance names are allowed to have spaces, the names are unique up to the first space. SEE ALSO
malloc(3), PMAPI(3), PMDA(3) and pmGetInDom(3). Performance Co-Pilot PCP PMDAINSTANCE(3)
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