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perl::critic::exception::configuration::option(3) [centos man page]

Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option(3)	User Contributed Perl Documentation	 Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option(3)

Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option - A problem with an option in the Perl::Critic configuration. DESCRIPTION
A representation of a problem found with an option in the configuration of Perl::Critic, whether from a .perlcriticrc, another profile file, or command line. This is an abstract class. It should never be instantiated. INTERFACE SUPPORT
This is considered to be a public class. Any changes to its interface will go through a deprecation cycle. METHODS
"option_name()" The name of the option that was found to be in error. "option_value()" The value of the option that was found to be in error. "message_suffix()" Any text that should be applied to end of the standard message for this kind of exception. "message()" "error()" Overridden to call "full_message()". I.e. any message string in the superclass is ignored. "full_message()" Overridden to turn it into an abstract method to force subclasses to implement it. SEE ALSO
Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Global Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Policy AUTHOR
Elliot Shank <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Elliot Shank. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. perl v5.16.3 2014-06-09 Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option(3)

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Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Global::ParameterValue - A problem with the value of a global parameter. DESCRIPTION
A representation of a problem found with the value of a global parameter, whether from a .perlcriticrc, another profile file, or command line. INTERFACE SUPPORT
This is considered to be a public class. Any changes to its interface will go through a deprecation cycle. CLASS METHODS
"throw( option_name => $option_name, option_value => $option_value, source => $source, message_suffix => $message_suffix )" See "throw" in Exception::Class. "new( option_name => $option_name, option_value => $option_value, source => $source, message_suffix => $message_suffix )" See "new" in Exception::Class. METHODS
"full_message()" Provide a standard message for global configuration problems. See "full_message" in Exception::Class. AUTHOR
Elliot Shank <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2007-2011 Elliot Shank. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. The full text of this license can be found in the LICENSE file included with this module. perl v5.14.2 201Perl::Critic::Exception::Configuration::Option::Global::ParameterValue(3pm)
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