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papi_assign_eventset_component(3) [centos man page]

PAPI_assign_eventset_component(3)				       PAPI					 PAPI_assign_eventset_component(3)

PAPI_assign_eventset_component - Assign a component index to an existing but empty EventSet. SYNOPSIS
Detailed Description @par C Interface: PAPI_assign_eventset_component( int EventSet, int cidx ); @param EventSet An integer identifier for an existing EventSet. @param cidx An integer identifier for a component. By convention, component 0 is always the cpu component. @retval PAPI_ENOCMP The argument cidx is not a valid component. @retval PAPI_ENOEVST The EventSet doesn't exist. @retval PAPI_ENOMEM Insufficient memory to complete the operation. PAPI_assign_eventset_component assigns a specific component index, as specified by cidx, to a new EventSet identified by EventSet, as obtained from PAPI_create_eventset. EventSets are ordinarily automatically bound to components when the first event is added. This routine is useful to explicitly bind an EventSet to a component before setting component related options. @par Examples: * int EventSet = PAPI_NULL; * if ( PAPI_create_eventset( &EventSet ) != PAPI_OK ) * handle_error( 1 ); * // Bind our EventSet to the cpu component * if ( PAPI_assign_eventset_component( EventSet, 0 ) != PAPI_OK ) * handle_error( 1 ); * // Convert our EventSet to multiplexing * if ( PAPI_set_multiplex( EventSet ) != PAPI_OK ) * handle_error( 1 ); * See Also: PAPI_set_opt PAPI_create_eventset PAPI_add_events PAPI_set_multiplex Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for PAPI from the source code. Version Tue Jun 17 2014 PAPI_assign_eventset_component(3)

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PAPI_set_multiplex(3)						       PAPI						     PAPI_set_multiplex(3)

PAPI_set_multiplex - Convert a standard event set to a multiplexed event set. SYNOPSIS
Detailed Description C Interface: #include <papi.h> int PAPI_set_multiplex( int EventSet ); Parameters: EventSet an integer handle for a PAPI event set as created by PAPI_create_eventset Return values: PAPI_OK PAPI_EINVAL -- One or more of the arguments is invalid, or the EventSet is already multiplexed. PAPI_ENOCMP -- The EventSet specified is not yet bound to a component. PAPI_ENOEVST -- The EventSet specified does not exist. PAPI_EISRUN -- The EventSet is currently counting events. PAPI_ENOMEM -- Insufficient memory to complete the operation. PAPI_set_multiplex converts a standard PAPI event set created by a call to PAPI_create_eventset into an event set capable of handling multiplexed events. This must be done after calling PAPI_multiplex_init, and either PAPI_add_event or PAPI_assign_eventset_component, but prior to calling PAPI_start(). Events can be added to an event set either before or after converting it into a multiplexed set, but the conversion must be done prior to using it as a multiplexed set. Note: Multiplexing can't be enabled until PAPI knows which component is targeted. Due to the late binding nature of PAPI event sets, this only happens after adding an event to an event set or explicitly binding the component with a call to PAPI_assign_eventset_component. Example: * int EventSet = PAPI_NULL; * int ret; * * // Create an empty EventSet * ret = PAPI_create_eventset(&EventSet); * if (ret != PAPI_OK) handle_error(ret); * * // Bind it to the CPU component * ret = PAPI_assign_eventset_component(EventSet, 0); * if (ret != PAPI_OK) handle_error(ret); * * // Check current multiplex status * ret = PAPI_get_multiplex(EventSet); * if (ret == TRUE) printf("This event set is ready for multiplexing.") * if (ret == FALSE) printf("This event set is not enabled for multiplexing.") * if (ret < 0) handle_error(ret); * * // Turn on multiplexing * ret = PAPI_set_multiplex(EventSet); * if ((ret == PAPI_EINVAL) && (PAPI_get_multiplex(EventSet) == TRUE)) * printf("This event set already has multiplexing enabled0); * else if (ret != PAPI_OK) handle_error(ret); * See Also: PAPI_multiplex_init PAPI_get_multiplex PAPI_set_opt PAPI_create_eventset Author Generated automatically by Doxygen for PAPI from the source code. Version Tue Jun 17 2014 PAPI_set_multiplex(3)
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