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mouse_setscale(3) [centos man page]

mouse_setscale(3)						Svgalib User Manual						 mouse_setscale(3)

mouse_setscale - sets a mouse scale factor SYNOPSIS
#include <vgamouse.h> void mouse_setscale(int s); DESCRIPTION
This routine sets the scale factor between the motion reported by the mouse and the size of one pixel. The larger the scale is, the slower the mouse cursor appears to move. The scale may be set to any non-zero integer. Negative scales result in flipped axes. Currently, there is no support for scale factors between 0 and 1 which would make the mouse appear faster than usual. If this routine is never called, scale s defaults to 1. SEE ALSO
svgalib(7), vgagl(7), libvga.config(5), eventtest(6), mouse_init(3), mouse_close(3), mouse_getposition_6d(3), mouse_getx(3), mouse_setposi- tion(3), mouse_setwrap(3), mouse_setxrange(3), mouse_update(3), mouse_waitforupdate(3), vga_setmousesupport(3), mouse_seteventhandler(3), vga_waitevent(3) AUTHOR
This manual page was edited by Michael Weller <>. The exact source of the referenced function as well as of the original documentation is unknown. It is very likely that both are at least to some extent are due to Harm Hanemaayer <>. Occasionally this might be wrong. I hereby asked to be excused by the original author and will happily accept any additions or corrections to this first version of the svgalib manual. Svgalib (>;= 1.2.11) 27 July 1997 mouse_setscale(3)

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mouse_init(3)							Svgalib User Manual						     mouse_init(3)

mouse_init, mouse_init_return_fd - specifically initialize a mouse SYNOPSIS
#include <vgamouse.h> int mouse_init(char *dev, int type, int samplerate); int mouse_init_return_fd(char *dev, int type, int samplerate); DESCRIPTION
These routines can be used to open the mouse manually, ignoring the mouse types or devices specified in the config file. dev is the name of the mouse device (defaults to /dev_mouse). samplerate may be one MOUSE_DEFAULTSAMPLERATE(150) or any other value. Probably it is in Hz. type is one of the types which are listed already in vga_getmousetype(3). If these routines are used it is not necessary to call vga_setmousesupport(3), but it's probably better to not use these and use vga_set- mousesupport(3) instead. The return_fd version returns the file descriptor of the mouse device to allow you to do further tricks with the mouse (but the filehandle may change during a VC switch). The other version just returns 0 if successful. Both return -1 on error. SEE ALSO
svgalib(7), vgagl(7), libvga.config(5), eventtest(6), mouse_close(3), mouse_getposition_6d(3), mouse_getx(3), mouse_setposition(3), mouse_setscale(3), mouse_setwrap(3), mouse_setxrange(3), mouse_update(3), mouse_waitforupdate(3), vga_setmousesupport(3), mouse_seteven- thandler(3), vga_waitevent(3) AUTHOR
This manual page was edited by Michael Weller <>. The exact source of the referenced function as well as of the original documentation is unknown. It is very likely that both are at least to some extent are due to Harm Hanemaayer <>. Occasionally this might be wrong. I hereby asked to be excused by the original author and will happily accept any additions or corrections to this first version of the svgalib manual. Svgalib (>;= 1.2.11) 27 July 1997 mouse_init(3)
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