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lwres_herror(3) [centos man page]


lwres_herror, lwres_hstrerror - lightweight resolver error message generation SYNOPSIS
#include <lwres/netdb.h> void lwres_herror(const char *s); const char * lwres_hstrerror(int err); DESCRIPTION
lwres_herror() prints the string s on stderr followed by the string generated by lwres_hstrerror() for the error code stored in the global variable lwres_h_errno. lwres_hstrerror() returns an appropriate string for the error code gievn by err. The values of the error codes and messages are as follows: NETDB_SUCCESS Resolver Error 0 (no error) HOST_NOT_FOUND Unknown host TRY_AGAIN Host name lookup failure NO_RECOVERY Unknown server error NO_DATA No address associated with name RETURN VALUES
The string Unknown resolver error is returned by lwres_hstrerror() when the value of lwres_h_errno is not a valid error code. SEE ALSO
herror(3), lwres_hstrerror(3). COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Internet Software Consortium. BIND9 Jun 30, 2000 LWRES_HSTRERROR(3)

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lwres_herror, lwres_hstrerror - lightweight resolver error message generation SYNOPSIS
#include <lwres/netdb.h> void lwres_herror(const char *s); const char * lwres_hstrerror(int err); DESCRIPTION
lwres_herror() prints the string s on stderr followed by the string generated by lwres_hstrerror() for the error code stored in the global variable lwres_h_errno. lwres_hstrerror() returns an appropriate string for the error code gievn by err. The values of the error codes and messages are as follows: NETDB_SUCCESS Resolver Error 0 (no error) HOST_NOT_FOUND Unknown host TRY_AGAIN Host name lookup failure NO_RECOVERY Unknown server error NO_DATA No address associated with name RETURN VALUES
The string Unknown resolver error is returned by lwres_hstrerror() when the value of lwres_h_errno is not a valid error code. SEE ALSO
herror(3), lwres_hstrerror(3). COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2007, 2012 Internet Systems Consortium, Inc. ("ISC") Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Internet Software Consortium. BIND9 Jun 30, 2000 LWRES_HSTRERROR(3)
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