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libssh2_sftp_rmdir_ex(3) [centos man page]

libssh2_sftp_rmdir_ex(3)					  libssh2 manual					  libssh2_sftp_rmdir_ex(3)

libssh2_sftp_rmdir_ex - remove an SFTP directory SYNOPSIS
#include <libssh2.h> #include <libssh2_sftp.h> int libssh2_sftp_rmdir_ex(LIBSSH2_SFTP *sftp, const char *path, unsigned int path_len); DESCRIPTION
Remove a directory from the remote file system. sftp - SFTP instance as returned by libssh2_sftp_init(3) sourcefile - Full path of the existing directory to remove. sourcefile_len - Length of the full path of the existing directory to remove. RETURN VALUE
Return 0 on success or negative on failure. It returns LIBSSH2_ERROR_EAGAIN when it would otherwise block. While LIBSSH2_ERROR_EAGAIN is a negative number, it isn't really a failure per se. ERRORS
LIBSSH2_ERROR_ALLOC - An internal memory allocation call failed. LIBSSH2_ERROR_SOCKET_SEND - Unable to send data on socket. LIBSSH2_ERROR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT - LIBSSH2_ERROR_SFTP_PROTOCOL - An invalid SFTP protocol response was received on the socket, or an SFTP operation caused an errorcode to be returned by the server. SEE ALSO
libssh2_sftp_init(3) libssh2 0.15 1 Jun 2007 libssh2_sftp_rmdir_ex(3)

Check Out this Related Man Page

libssh2_sftp_mkdir_ex(3)					  libssh2 manual					  libssh2_sftp_mkdir_ex(3)

libssh2_sftp_mkdir_ex - create a directory on the remote file system SYNOPSIS
#include <libssh2.h> #include <libssh2_sftp.h> int libssh2_sftp_mkdir_ex(LIBSSH2_SFTP *sftp, const char *path, unsigned int path_len, long mode); int libssh2_sftp_mkdir(LIBSSH2_SFTP *sftp, const char *path, long mode); DESCRIPTION
sftp - SFTP instance as returned by libssh2_sftp_init(3) path - full path of the new directory to create. Note that the new directory's parents must all exist priot to making this call. path_len - length of the full path of the new directory to create. mode - directory creation mode (e.g. 0755). Create a directory on the remote file system. RETURN VALUE
Return 0 on success or negative on failure. LIBSSH2_ERROR_EAGAIN when it would otherwise block. While LIBSSH2_ERROR_EAGAIN is a negative number, it isn't really a failure per se. ERRORS
LIBSSH2_ERROR_ALLOC - An internal memory allocation call failed. LIBSSH2_ERROR_SOCKET_SEND - Unable to send data on socket. LIBSSH2_ERROR_SOCKET_TIMEOUT - LIBSSH2_ERROR_SFTP_PROTOCOL - An invalid SFTP protocol response was received on the socket, or an SFTP operation caused an errorcode to be returned by the server. SEE ALSO
libssh2_sftp_open_ex(3) libssh2 0.15 1 Jun 2007 libssh2_sftp_mkdir_ex(3)
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