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LIBIEEE1284(3)							   Introduction 						    LIBIEEE1284(3)

libieee1284 - IEEE1284 communications library SYNOPSIS
#include <ieee1284.h> cc files... -lieee1284 OVERVIEW
The libieee1284 library is a library for accessing parallel port devices. The model presented to the user is fairly abstract: a list of parallel ports with arbitrary names, with functions to access them in various ways ranging from bit operations to block data transfer in one of the IEEE 1284 sanctioned protocols. Although the library resides in user space the speed penalty may not be as bad as you initially think, since the operating system may well provide assistance with block data transfer operations; in fact, the operating system may even use hardware assistance to get the job done. So, using libieee1284, ECP transfers using DMA are possible. The normal sequence of events will be that the application 1. calls ieee1284_find_ports to get a list of available ports 2. then ieee1284_get_deviceid to look for a device on each port that it is interested in 3. and then ieee1284_open to open each port it finds a device it can control on. 4. The list of ports returned from ieee1284_find_ports can now be disposed of using ieee1284_free_ports. 5. Then when it wants to control the device, it will call ieee1284_claim to prevent other drivers from using the port 6. then perhaps do some data transfers 7. and then ieee1284_release when it is finished that that particular command. This claim-control-release sequence will be repeated each time it wants to tell the device to do something. 8. Finally when the application is finished with the device it will call ieee1284_close. Usually a port needs to be claimed before it can be used. This is to prevent multiple drivers from trampling on each other if they both want to use the same port. The exception to this rule is the collection of IEEE 1284 Device IDs, which has an implicit open-claim-release-close sequence. The reason for this is that it may be possible to collect a Device ID from the operating system, without bothering the device with it. CONFIGURATION
When ieee1284_find_ports is first called, the library will look for a configuration file, /etc/ieee1284.conf. Comments begin with a '#' character and extend to the end of the line. Everything else is freely-formatted tokens. A non-quoted (or double-quoted) backslash character '' preserves the literal value of the next character, and single and double quotes may be used for preserving white-space. Braces and equals signs are recognised as tokens, unless quoted or escaped. The only configuration instruction that is currently recognised is "disallow method ppdev", for preventing the use of the Linux ppdev driver. ENVIRONMENT
You can enable debugging output from the library by setting the environment variable LIBIEEE1284_DEBUG to any value. FILES
/etc/ieee1284.conf Configuration file. SEE ALSO
parport(3), parport_list(3), ieee1284_find_ports(3), ieee1284_free_ports(3), ieee1284_get_deviceid(3), ieee1284_open(3), ieee1284_close(3), ieee1284_claim(3), ieee1284_release(3), ieee1284_data(3), ieee1284_status(3), ieee1284_control(3), ieee1284_negotiation(3), ieee1284_ecp_fwd_to_rev(3), ieee1284_transfer(3), ieee1284_get_irq_fd(3), ieee1284_set_timeout(3) AUTHOR
Tim Waugh <> Author. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Tim Waugh [FIXME: source] 06/17/2014 LIBIEEE1284(3)

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IEEE1284_NEGOTIATION(3) 					     Functions						   IEEE1284_NEGOTIATION(3)

ieee1284_negotiate, ieee1284_terminate - IEEE 1284 negotiation SYNOPSIS
#include <ieee1284.h> int ieee1284_negotiate(struct parport *port, int mode); void ieee1284_terminate(struct parport *port); DESCRIPTION
These functions are for negotiating to and terminating from IEEE 1284 data transfer modes. The default mode is called compatibility mode, or in other words normal printer protocol. It is a host-to-peripheral mode only. There are special modes that allow peripheral-to-host transfer as well, which may be negotiated to using ieee1284_negotiate. IEEE 1284 negotiation is a process by which the host requests a transfer mode and the peripheral accepts or rejects it. An IEEE 1284-compliant device will require a successful negotiation to a particular mode before it is used for data transfer (but simpler devices may not if they only speak one transfer mode). To terminate the special mode and go back to compatilibity mode use ieee1284_terminate. These functions act on the parallel port associated with port, which must be claimed. With a device strictly complying to IEEE 1284 you will need to call ieee1284_terminate in between any two calls to ieee1284_negotiate for modes other than M1284_COMPAT. AVAILABLE MODES
Uni-directional modes o M1284_COMPAT: Compatibility mode. Normal printer protocol. This is not a negotiated mode, but is the default mode in absence of negotiation. ieee1284_negotiate(port, M1284_COMPAT) is equivalent to ieee1284_terminate(port). This host-to-peripheral mode is used for sending data to printers, and is historically the mode that has been used for that before IEEE 1284. o M1284_NIBBLE: Nibble mode. This peripheral-to-host mode uses the status lines to read data from the peripheral four bits at a time. o M1284_BYTE: Byte mode. This peripheral-to-host mode uses the data lines in reverse mode to read data from the peripheral a byte at a time. Bi-directional modes o M1284_ECP: ECP mode. On entry to ECP mode it is a host-to-peripheral (i.e. forward) mode, but it may be set to reverse mode using ieee1284_ecp_fwd_to_rev(3). It is common for PC hardware to provide assistance with this mode by the use of a FIFO which the host (or, in reverse mode, the peripheral) may fill, so that the hardware can do the handshaking itself. o M1284_EPP: EPP mode. In this bi-directional mode the direction of data transfer is signalled at each byte. Mode variations o M1284_FLAG_DEVICEID: Device ID retrieval. This flag may be combined with a nibble, byte, or ECP mode to notify the device that it should send its IEEE 1284 Device ID when asked for data. o M1284_BECP: Bounded ECP is a modification to ECP that makes it more robust at the point that the direction is changed. (Unfortunately it is not yet implemented in the Linux kernel driver.) o M1284_ECPRLE: ECP with run length encoding. In this mode, consecutive data bytes of the same value may be transferred in only a few cycles. RETURN VALUE
E1284_OK The negotiation was successful. E1284_NOTAVAIL Negotiation is not available with this port type. E1284_REJECTED Negotiation was rejected by the peripheral. E1284_NEGFAILED Negotiation failed for some reason. Perhaps the device is not IEEE 1284 compliant. E1284_SYS A system error occured during negotiation. E1284_INVALIDPORT The port parameter is invalid (for instance, perhaps the port is not claimed). AUTHOR
Tim Waugh <> Author. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2001-2003 Tim Waugh [FIXME: source] 06/17/2014 IEEE1284_NEGOTIATION(3)
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