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ldns_bgetc(3) [centos man page]

ldns(3) 						     Library Functions Manual							   ldns(3)

ldns_bget_token, ldns_bgetc, ldns_bskipcs SYNOPSIS
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <ldns/ldns.h> ssize_t ldns_bget_token(ldns_buffer *b, char *token, const char *delim, size_t limit); int ldns_bgetc(ldns_buffer *buffer); void ldns_bskipcs(ldns_buffer *buffer, const char *s); DESCRIPTION
ldns_bget_token() returns a token/char from the buffer b. This function deals with ( and ) in the buffer, and ignores when it finds them. *b: the buffer to read from *token: the token is put here *delim: chars at which the parsing should stop *limit: how much to read. If 0 the builtin maximum is used Returns s 0 on error of EOF of b. Otherwise return the length of what is read ldns_bgetc() returns the next character from a buffer. Advances the position pointer with 1. When end of buffer is reached returns EOF. This is the buffer's equivalent for getc(). *buffer: buffer to read from Returns EOF on failure otherwise return the character ldns_bskipcs() skips all of the characters in the given string in the buffer, moving the position to the first character that is not in *s. *buffer: buffer to use *s: characters to skip Returns void AUTHOR
The ldns team at NLnet Labs. Which consists out of Jelte Jansen and Miek Gieben. REPORTING BUGS
Please report bugs to or in our bugzilla at COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2004 - 2006 NLnet Labs. Licensed under the BSD License. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SEE ALSO
ldns_buffer. And perldoc Net::DNS, RFC1034, RFC1035, RFC4033, RFC4034 and RFC4035. REMARKS
This manpage was automaticly generated from the ldns source code by use of Doxygen and some perl. 30 May 2006 ldns(3)

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ldns(3) 						     Library Functions Manual							   ldns(3)

ldns_bget_token, ldns_bgetc, ldns_bskipcs- SYNOPSIS
#include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include <ldns/ldns.h> ssize_t ldns_bget_token(ldns_buffer *b, char *token, const char *delim, size_t limit); int ldns_bgetc(ldns_buffer *buffer); void ldns_bskipcs(ldns_buffer *buffer, const char *s); DESCRIPTION
ldns_bget_token() returns a token/char from the buffer b. This function deals with ( and ) in the buffer, and ignores when it finds them. *b: the buffer to read from *token: the token is put here *delim: chars at which the parsing should stop *limit: how much to read. If 0 the builtin maximum is used Returns s 0 on error of EOF of b. Otherwise return the length of what is read ldns_bgetc() returns the next character from a buffer. Advances the position pointer with 1. When end of buffer is reached returns EOF. This is the buffer's equivalent for getc(). *buffer: buffer to read from Returns EOF on failure otherwise return the character ldns_bskipcs() skips all of the characters in the given string in the buffer, moving the position to the first character that is not in *s. *buffer: buffer to use *s: characters to skip Returns void AUTHOR
The ldns team at NLnet Labs. Which consists out of Jelte Jansen and Miek Gieben. REPORTING BUGS
Please report bugs to or in our bugzilla at COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2004 - 2006 NLnet Labs. Licensed under the BSD License. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SEE ALSO
ldns_buffer. And perldoc Net::DNS, RFC1034, RFC1035, RFC4033, RFC4034 and RFC4035. REMARKS
This manpage was automaticly generated from the ldns source code by use of Doxygen and some perl. 30 May 2006 ldns(3)
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