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gsl(3) [centos man page]

GSL(3)							     Library Functions Manual							    GSL(3)

gsl - GNU Scientific Library SYNOPSIS
#include <gsl/...> DESCRIPTION
The GNU Scientific Library (GSL) is a collection of routines for numerical computing. The routines are written from scratch by the GSL team in C, and present a modern Applications Programming Interface (API) for C programmers, allowing wrappers to be written for very high level languages. The library covers the following areas, Complex Numbers Roots of Polynomials Special Functions Vectors and Matrices Permutations Combinations Sorting BLAS Support Linear Algebra Eigensystems Fast Fourier Transforms Quadrature Random Numbers Quasi-Random Sequences Random Distributions Statistics Histograms N-Tuples Monte Carlo Integration Simulated Annealing Differential Equations Interpolation Numerical Differentiation Chebyshev Approximations Series Acceleration Discrete Hankel Transforms Root-Finding Minimization Least-Squares Fitting Physical Constants IEEE Floating-Point For more information please consult the GSL Reference Manual, which is available as an info file. You can read it online using the shell command info gsl-ref (if the library is installed). Please report any bugs to GSL Team GNU Scientific Library GSL(3)

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GSL(1)							      General Commands Manual							    GSL(1)

gsl-config - script to get version number and compiler flags of the installed GSL library SYNOPSIS
gsl-config [--prefix] [--version] [--libs] [--libs-without-cblas] [--cflags] DESCRIPTION
gsl-config is a tool that is used to configure to determine the compiler and linker flags that should be used to compile and link programs that use GSL. It is also used internally to the .m4 macros for GNU autoconf that are included with GSL. OPTIONS
gsl-config accepts the following options: --version Print the currently installed version of GSL on the standard output. --libs Print the linker flags that are necessary to link a GSL program, with cblas --libs-without-cblas Print the linker flags that are necessary to link a GSL program, without cblas --cflags Print the compiler flags that are necessary to compile a GSL program. --prefix Show the GSL installation prefix. SEE ALSO
gtk-config(1), gnome-config(1) COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2001 Christopher R. Gabriel Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, pro- vided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice and this permission notice appear in sup- porting documentation. 22 May 2001 GSL(1)
Man Page

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