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glutinitdisplaymode(3) [centos man page]

glutInitDisplayMode -- Set the window creation display mode. LIBRARY
OpenGLUT - window SYNOPSIS
#include <openglut.h> void glutInitDisplayMode(unsigned int displayMode); PARAMETERS
displayMode Requested display mode bitmask. DESCRIPTION
glutInitDisplayMode() allows you to control the mode for subsequent OpenGLUT windows. Allowable displayMode is a combination of: - GLUT_RGB Red, green, blue framebuffer. - GLUT_RGBA Red, green, blue, alpha framebuffer. - GLUT_INDEX Indexed color framebuffer. - GLUT_SINGLE Single-buffered mode. - GLUT_DOUBLE Double-buffered mode. - GLUT_ACCUM Accumulation buffer. - GLUT_ALPHA Alpha channel. - GLUT_DEPTH Depth buffering. - GLUT_STENCIL Stencil buffering. - GLUT_MULTISAMPLE Multisampling mode. (not always available) - GLUT_STEREO Left and right framebuffers. - GLUT_LUMINANCE Greyscale color mode. Additionally, the following experimental features are implemented: - GLUT_OFFSCREEN Offscreen windows are very much like onscreen windows that have been dragged off of the edge of the screen. The biggest issue is that off- screen windows do not support subwindows. Other than that, onscreen windows that are dragged off of the edge may not store graphics that you render (while GLUT_OFFSCREEN windows do), and there is no way to drag an offscreen window onscreen for user interaction. - GLUT_BORDERLESS Borderless windows are very experimental, and their precise behavior is not set in stone. See also glutCreateMenuWindow(). The following are defaults : - GLUT_RGB - GLUT_SINGLE CAVEATS
Some display mode features were introduced by OpenGLUT. Not all features or combinations of features are valid for all platforms. There is no way to change the display mode of an open window. BUGS
GLUT_OFFSCREEN windows do not work with nVidia cards/drivers. (Both Win32 and X11) GLUT_BORDERLESS seems to vary by the window manager on X11, though twm (for example) performs very similarly to WIN32. But KDE's window manager (for example) does not let you send keystrokes to borderless windows without OpenGLUT hacks. SEE ALSO
glutCreateMenuWindow(3) glutInit(3) glutInitWindowSize(3) glutInitWindowPosition(3) glutInitDisplayString(3) glutSwapBuffers(3) Epoch

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glutInitDisplayMode(3GLUT)					       GLUT						glutInitDisplayMode(3GLUT)

glutInitDisplayMode - sets the initial display mode. SYNTAX
#include <GLUT/glut.h> void glutInitDisplayMode(unsigned int mode); ARGUMENTS
mode Display mode, normally the bitwise OR-ing of GLUT display mode bit masks. See values below: GLUT_RGBA Bit mask to select an RGBA mode window. This is the default if neither GLUT_RGBA nor GLUT_INDEX are specified. GLUT_RGB An alias for GLUT_RGBA. GLUT_INDEX Bit mask to select a color index mode window. This overrides GLUT_RGBA if it is also specified. Note that color index modes are not supported on Mac OS X. GLUT_SINGLE Bit mask to select a single buffered window. This is the default if neither GLUT_DOUBLE or GLUT_SINGLE are specified. GLUT_DOUBLE Bit mask to select a double buffered window. This overrides GLUT_SINGLE if it is also specified. GLUT_ACCUM Bit mask to select a window with an accumulation buffer. GLUT_ALPHA Bit mask to select a window with an alpha component to the color buffer(s). GLUT_DEPTH Bit mask to select a window with a depth buffer. GLUT_STENCIL Bit mask to select a window with a stencil buffer. GLUT_MULTISAMPLE Bit mask to select a window with multisampling support. If multisampling is not available, a non-multisampling window will automat- ically be chosen. Note: both the OpenGL client-side and server-side implementations must support the GLX_SAMPLE_SGIS extension for multisampling to be available. GLUT_STEREO Bit mask to select a stereo window. GLUT_LUMINANCE Bit mask to select a window with a ``luminance'' color model. This model provides the functionality of OpenGL's RGBA color model, but the green and blue components are not maintained in the frame buffer. Instead each pixel's red component is converted to an index between zero and glutGet(GLUT_WINDOW_COLORMAP_SIZE)-1 and looked up in a per-window color map to determine the color of pix- els within the window. The initial colormap of GLUT_LUMINANCE windows is initialized to be a linear gray ramp, but can be modified with GLUT's colormap routines. DESCRIPTION
The initial display mode is used when creating top-level windows, subwindows, and overlays to determine the OpenGL display mode for the to- be-created window or overlay. Note that GLUT_RGBA selects the RGBA color model, but it does not request any bits of alpha (sometimes called an alpha buffer or destina- tion alpha) be allocated. To request alpha, specify GLUT_ALPHA. The same applies to GLUT_LUMINANCE. The glutInitDisplayString routine provides a more powerful way to select frame buffer capabilities for GLUT windows. GLUT_LUMINANCE IMPLEMENTATION NOTES GLUT_LUMINANCE is not supported on most OpenGL platforms. SEE ALSO
glutInit, glutCreateWindow, glutInitDisplayString AUTHOR
Mark J. Kilgard ( GLUT
3.7 glutInitDisplayMode(3GLUT)
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