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font::ttf::features::cvar(3) [centos man page]

Font::TTF::Features::Cvar(3)				User Contributed Perl Documentation			      Font::TTF::Features::Cvar(3)

Font::TTF::Features::Size - Class for Character Variants Feature Parameters DESCRIPTION
Handles the Feature Parameters valus forCharacter Variants features INSTANCE VARIABLES
INFILE The read file handle OFFSET Location of the file in the input file Format Table format - set to 0 UINameID The 'name' table name ID that specifies a string (or strings, for multiple languages) for a user-interface label for this feature TooltipNameID The 'name' table name ID for tooltip text for the feature SampleTextNameID The 'name' table name ID for sample text to illustrate the feature NumNamedParms The number of named parameters FirstNamedParmID The 'name' table name ID for the first named parameter Characters An array holding the unicode values of the characters for which the feature provides glyph variants METHODS
$t->read Reads the Feature Params $t->out($fh) Writes the FeatureParams table to the output Font::TTF::Features::Sset->new() Creates a new FeatureParams object. Values for INFILE and OFFSET canbe passed as parameters AUTHOR
David Raymond See Font::TTF::Font for copyright and licensing. perl v5.16.3 2012-02-09 Font::TTF::Features::Cvar(3)

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Font::TTF::Anchor(3)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				      Font::TTF::Anchor(3)

Font::TTF::Anchor - Anchor points for GPOS tables DESCRIPTION
The Anchor defines an anchor point on a glyph providing various information depending on how much is available, including such information as the co-ordinates, a curve point and even device specific modifiers. INSTANCE VARIABLES
x XCoordinate of the anchor point y YCoordinate of the anchor point p Curve point on the glyph to use as the anchor point xdev Device table (delta) for the xcoordinate ydev Device table (delta) for the ycoordinate xid XIdAnchor for multiple master horizontal metric id yid YIdAnchor for multiple master vertical metric id METHODS
new Creates a new Anchor read($fh) Reads the anchor from the given file handle at that point. The file handle is left at an arbitrary read point, usually the end of something! out($fh, $style) Outputs the Anchor to the given file handle at this point also addressing issues of deltas. If $style is set, then no output is sent to the file handle. The return value is the output string. $a->out_xml($context) Outputs the anchor in XML AUTHOR
Martin Hosken See Font::TTF::Font for copyright and licensing. perl v5.16.3 2011-10-13 Font::TTF::Anchor(3)
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