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dblink_get_pkey(3) [centos man page]

DBLINK_GET_PKEY(3)					  PostgreSQL 9.2.7 Documentation					DBLINK_GET_PKEY(3)

dblink_get_pkey - returns the positions and field names of a relation's primary key fields SYNOPSIS
dblink_get_pkey(text relname) returns setof dblink_pkey_results DESCRIPTION
dblink_get_pkey provides information about the primary key of a relation in the local database. This is sometimes useful in generating queries to be sent to remote databases. ARGUMENTS
relname Name of a local relation, for example foo or myschema.mytab. Include double quotes if the name is mixed-case or contains special characters, for example "FooBar"; without quotes, the string will be folded to lower case. RETURN VALUE
Returns one row for each primary key field, or no rows if the relation has no primary key. The result row type is defined as CREATE TYPE dblink_pkey_results AS (position int, colname text); The position column simply runs from 1 to N; it is the number of the field within the primary key, not the number within the table's columns. EXAMPLES
CREATE TABLE foobar ( f1 int, f2 int, f3 int, PRIMARY KEY (f1, f2, f3) ); CREATE TABLE SELECT * FROM dblink_get_pkey('foobar'); position | colname ----------+--------- 1 | f1 2 | f2 3 | f3 (3 rows) PostgreSQL 9.2.7 2014-02-17 DBLINK_GET_PKEY(3)

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DBLINK_BUILD_SQL_DELETE(3)				  PostgreSQL 9.2.7 Documentation				DBLINK_BUILD_SQL_DELETE(3)

dblink_build_sql_delete - builds a DELETE statement using supplied values for primary key field values SYNOPSIS
dblink_build_sql_delete(text relname, int2vector primary_key_attnums, integer num_primary_key_atts, text[] tgt_pk_att_vals_array) returns text DESCRIPTION
dblink_build_sql_delete can be useful in doing selective replication of a local table to a remote database. It builds a SQL DELETE command that will delete the row with the given primary key values. ARGUMENTS
relname Name of a local relation, for example foo or myschema.mytab. Include double quotes if the name is mixed-case or contains special characters, for example "FooBar"; without quotes, the string will be folded to lower case. primary_key_attnums Attribute numbers (1-based) of the primary key fields, for example 1 2. num_primary_key_atts The number of primary key fields. tgt_pk_att_vals_array Values of the primary key fields to be used in the resulting DELETE command. Each field is represented in text form. RETURN VALUE
Returns the requested SQL statement as text. NOTES
As of PostgreSQL 9.0, the attribute numbers in primary_key_attnums are interpreted as logical column numbers, corresponding to the column's position in SELECT * FROM relname. Previous versions interpreted the numbers as physical column positions. There is a difference if any column(s) to the left of the indicated column have been dropped during the lifetime of the table. EXAMPLES
SELECT dblink_build_sql_delete('"MyFoo"', '1 2', 2, '{"1", "b"}'); dblink_build_sql_delete --------------------------------------------- DELETE FROM "MyFoo" WHERE f1='1' AND f2='b' (1 row) PostgreSQL 9.2.7 2014-02-17 DBLINK_BUILD_SQL_DELETE(3)
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