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context_range_get(3) [centos man page]

context_new(3)						     SELinux API documentation						    context_new(3)

context_new, context_str, context_free, context_type_get, context_type_set, context_range_get, context_range_set,context_role_get, con- text_role_set, context_user_get, context_user_set - Routines to manipulate SELinux security contexts SYNOPSIS
#include <selinux/context.h> context_t context_new(const char *context_str); const char * context_str(context_t con); void context_free(context_t con); const char * context_type_get(context_t con); const char * context_range_get(context_t con); const char * context_role_get(context_t con); const char * context_user_get(context_t con); int context_type_set(context_t con, const char *type); int context_range_set(context_t con, const char *range); int context_role_set(context_t con, const char *role); int context_user_set(context_t con, const char *user); DESCRIPTION
These functions allow an application to manipulate the fields of a security context string without requiring it to know the format of the string. context_new() returns a new context initialized to a context string. context_str() returns a pointer to the string value of the context_t, valid until the next call to context_str() or context_free() for the same context_t*. context_free() frees the storage used by a context. context_type_get(), context_range_get(), context_role_get(), context_user_get() get a pointer to the string value of a context component. Note: Values returned by the get functions are only valid until the next call to a set function or context_free() for the same context_t structure. context_type_set(), context_range_set(), context_role_set(), context_user_set() set a context component. RETURN VALUE
On failure context_*_set() functions return non-zero and 0 on success. The other functions return NULL on failure and non-NULL on success. On failure errno is set appropriately. SEE ALSO
selinux(8) 20 December 2011 context_new(3)

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context_new(3)						     SELinux API documentation						    context_new(3)

context_new, context_str, context_free, context_type_get, context_type_set, context_range_get, context_range_set,context_role_get, con- text_role_set, context_user_get, context_user_set - Routines to manipulate SELinux security contexts SYNOPSIS
#include <selinux/context.h> context_t context_new(const char *context_str); const char * context_str(context_t con); void context_free(context_t con); const char * context_type_get(context_t con); const char * context_range_get(context_t con); const char * context_role_get(context_t con); const char * context_user_get(context_t con); int context_type_set(context_t con, const char *type); int context_range_set(context_t con, const char *range); int context_role_set(context_t con, const char *role); int context_user_set(context_t con, const char *user); DESCRIPTION
These functions allow an application to manipulate the fields of a security context string without requiring it to know the format of the string. context_new Return a new context initialized to a context string context_str Return a pointer to the string value of the context_t Valid until the next call to context_str or context_free for the same context_t* context_free Free the storage used by a context context_type_get, context_range_get, context_role_get, context_user_get Get a pointer to the string value of a context component NOTE: Values returned by the get functions are only valid until the next call to a set function or context_free() for the same context_t structure. context_type_set, context_range_set, context_role_set, context_user_set Set a context component RETURN VALUE
On success, zero is returned. On failure, -1 is returned and errno is set appropriately. SEE ALSO
selinux(8) 20 December 2011 context_new(3)
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