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cmap_dispatch(3) [centos man page]

CMAP_DISPATCH(3)				    Corosync Cluster Engine Programmer's Manual 				  CMAP_DISPATCH(3)

cmap_dispatch - Dispatches callbacks from the CMAP service SYNOPSIS
#include <corosync/cmap.h> cs_error_t cmap_dispatch (cmap_handle_t handle, cs_dispatch_flags_t dispatch_types); DESCRIPTION
The cmap_dispatch function is used to dispatch configuration changes. Each application may have several connections to the CMAP API. Each application uses the handle argument to uniquely identify the connec- tion. The dispatch_types argument is used to identify the type of dispatch to execute. The possible types are CS_DISPATCH_ONE, CS_DISPATCH_ALL and CS_DISPATCH_BLOCKING. The dispatch values have the following meanings: CS_DISPATCH_ONE Dispatch at least one callback, blocking until the callback is dispatched. CS_DISPATCH_ALL Dispatch all waiting callbacks without blocking to wait for any callbacks. CS_DISPATCH_BLOCKING Dispatch all callbacks blocking indefinitely. This is used in a threaded program where a thread is created, and then cs_dispatch() is called immediately from the created thread to execute callbacks. CS_DISPATCH_ONE_NONBLOCKING Dispatch at most one callback. If there is no pending callback, CS_ERR_TRY_AGAIN is returned. It's needed to call cmap_track_add(3) to add tracked items and receive callbacks. RETURN VALUE
This call returns the CS_OK value if successful, otherwise an error is returned. SEE ALSO
cmap_track_add(3), cmap_track_delete(3), cmap_overview(8) CS_ERR_TRY_AGAIN Resource temporarily unavailable CS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid argument CS_ERR_ACCESS Permission denied CS_ERR_LIBRARY The connection failed CS_ERR_INTERRUPT System call inturrupted by a signal CS_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED The requested protocol/functuality not supported CS_ERR_MESSAGE_ERROR Incorrect auth message received CS_ERR_NO_MEMORY Not enough memory to completed the requested task corosync Man Page 23/01/2012 CMAP_DISPATCH(3)

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VOTEQUORUM_INITIALIZE(3)			    Corosync Cluster Engine Programmer's Manual 			  VOTEQUORUM_INITIALIZE(3)

votequorum_initialize - Create a new connection to the VoteQuorum service SYNOPSIS
#include <corosync/votequorum.h> int votequorum_initialize(votequorum_handle_t *handle, votequorum_callbacks_t *callbacks); DESCRIPTION
The votequorum_initialize function is used to initialize a connection to the vote-based quorum database API. Each application may have several connections to the votequorum API. Each application uses the handle argument to uniquely identify the connection. The handle argument is then used in other function calls to identify the connection to be used for communication with the votequorum service. Every time the voting configuraton changes (eg a node joins or leave the cluster), the callback is called. The callback function is described by the following type definitions: typedef void (*votequorum_notification_fn_t) ( votequorum_handle_t handle, uint64_t context, uint32_t quorate, uint32_t node_list_entries, votequorum_node_t node_list[] ); Every time the expected votes are changed, the callback is called. The expected votes callback function is described by the following type definitions: typedef void (*votequorum_expectedvotes_notification_fn_t) ( votequorum_handle_t handle, uint64_t context, uint32_t expected_votes); The callbacks argument is of the type: typedef struct { votequorum_notification_fn_t votequorum_notify_fn; votequorum_expectedvotes_notification_fn_t votequorum_expectedvotes_notify_fn; } votequorum_callbacks_t; When a configuration change occurs, the callback is called from the votequorum_dispatch() function. RETURN VALUE
This call returns the CS_OK value if successful, otherwise an error is returned. ERRORS
CS_ERR_TRY_AGAIN Resource temporarily unavailable CS_ERR_INVALID_PARAM Invalid argument CS_ERR_ACCESS Permission denied CS_ERR_LIBRARY The connection failed CS_ERR_INTERRUPT System call inturrupted by a signal CS_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED The requested protocol/functuality not supported CS_ERR_MESSAGE_ERROR Incorrect auth message received CS_ERR_NO_MEMORY Not enough memory to completed the requested task SEE ALSO
votequorum_overview(8), votequorum_finalize(3), votequorum_getinfo(3), votequorum_trackstart(3), votequorum_trackstop(3), votequo- rum_fd_get(3), votequorum_dispatch(3), votequorum_context_set(3), votequorum_context_get(3), votequorum_setexpected(3), votequo- rum_setvotes(3) corosync Man Page 2014-06-10 VOTEQUORUM_INITIALIZE(3)
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