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ares_library_init(3) [centos man page]

ARES_LIBRARY_INIT(3)					     Library Functions Manual					      ARES_LIBRARY_INIT(3)

ares_library_init - c-ares library initialization SYNOPSIS
#include <ares.h> int ares_library_init(int flags) cc file.c -lcares DESCRIPTION
The ares_library_init function performs initializations internally required by the c-ares library that must take place before any other function provided by c-ares can be used in a program. This function must be called at least once within the life of a program, before the program actually executes any other c-ares library function. Initializations done by this function remain effective until a number of calls to ares_library_cleanup(3) equal to the number of calls to this function are performed. Successive calls to this function do nothing further, only the first call done when c-ares is in an uninitialized state is actually effec- tive. The flags parameter is a bit pattern that tells c-ares exactly which features should be initialized, as described below. Set the desired bits by ORing the values together. In normal operation you should specify ARES_LIB_INIT_ALL. Don't use any other value unless you are familiar with it and trying to control some internal c-ares feature. This function is not thread safe. You have to call it once the program has started, but this call must be done before the program starts any other thread. This is required to avoid potential race conditions in library initialization, and also due to the fact that ares_library_init(3) might call functions from other libraries that are thread unsafe, and could conflict with any other thread that is already using these other libraries. Win32/64 application DLLs shall not call ares_library_init(3) from the DllMain function. Doing so will produce deadlocks and other prob- lems. FLAGS
ARES_LIB_INIT_ALL Initialize everything possible. This sets all known bits. ARES_LIB_INIT_WIN32 Initialize Win32/64 specific libraries. ARES_LIB_INIT_NONE Initialize nothing extra. This sets no bit. RETURN VALUE
Upon successful completion, ares_library_init() will return 0. Otherwise, a non-zero error number will be returned to indicate the error. Except for ares_strerror(3), you shall not call any other c-ares function upon ares_library_init(3) failure. AVAILABILITY
This function was first introduced in c-ares version 1.7.0 along with the definition of preprocessor symbol CARES_HAVE_ARES_LIBRARY_INIT as an indication of the availability of this function. Its recursive behavior, which requires a matching number of calls to ares_library_cleanup() in order to deinitialize the library, is present since c-ares version 1.10.0. Earlier versions would deinitialize the library on the first call to ares_library_cleanup(). Since the introduction of this function it is absolutely mandatory to call it for any Win32/64 program using c-ares. Non-Win32/64 systems can still use c-ares version 1.7.0 without calling ares_library_init(3) due to the fact that currently it is nearly a do-nothing function on non-Win32/64 platforms at this point. SEE ALSO
ares_library_cleanup(3), ares_strerror(3) AUTHOR
Yang Tse Copyright 1998 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Copyright (C) 2004-2009 by Daniel Stenberg. 19 May 2009 ARES_LIBRARY_INIT(3)

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ARES_FREE_DATA(3)					     Library Functions Manual						 ARES_FREE_DATA(3)

ares_free_data - Free data allocated by several c-ares functions SYNOPSIS
#include <ares.h> void ares_free_data(void *dataptr) cc file.c -lcares DESCRIPTION
The ares_free_data(3) function frees one or more data structures allocated and returned by several c-ares functions. Specifically the data returned by the following list of functions must be deallocated using this function. ares_get_servers(3) When used to free the data returned by ares_get_servers(3) this will free the whole linked list of ares_addr_node structures returned by ares_get_servers(3). ares_parse_srv_reply(3) When used to free the data returned by ares_parse_srv_reply(3) this will free the whole linked list of ares_srv_reply structures returned by ares_parse_srv_reply(3), along with any additional storage associated with those structures. ares_parse_mx_reply(3) When used to free the data returned by ares_parse_mx_reply(3) this will free the whole linked list of ares_mx_reply structures returned by ares_parse_mx_reply(3), along with any additional storage associated with those structures. ares_parse_txt_reply(3) When used to free the data returned by ares_parse_txt_reply(3) this will free the whole linked list of ares_txt_reply structures returned by ares_parse_txt_reply(3), along with any additional storage associated with those structures. ares_parse_soa_reply(3) When used to free the data returned by ares_parse_soa_reply(3) this will free the ares_soa_reply structure, along with any additional storage associated with those structure. RETURN VALUE
The ares_free_data() function does not return a value. AVAILABILITY
This function was first introduced in c-ares version 1.7.0. SEE ALSO
ares_get_servers(3), ares_parse_srv_reply(3), ares_parse_mx_reply(3), ares_parse_txt_reply(3), ares_parse_soa_reply(3) AUTHOR
Yang Tse Copyright 1998 by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Copyright (C) 2004-2010 by Daniel Stenberg. 5 March 2010 ARES_FREE_DATA(3)
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