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afsetvirtualbyteorder(3) [centos man page]


afSetVirtualByteOrder, afSetVirtualChannels, afSetVirtualPCMMapping, afSetVirtualSampleFormat - set the virtual data format for a track in an audio file SYNOPSIS
#include <audiofile.h> int afSetVirtualByteOrder (AFfilehandle file, int track, int byteOrder); int afSetVirtualChannels (AFfilehandle file, int track, int channels); int afSetVirtualSampleFormat (AFfilehandle file, int track, int sampleFormat, int sampleWidth); int afSetVirtualPCMMapping (AFfilehandle file, int track, double slope, double intercept, double minclip, double maxclip); PARAMETERS
o file is an AFfilehandle which refers to an open audio file and is usually created by afOpenFile. o track is an integer which identifies a particular track in an open audio file. The only valid track is AF_DEFAULT_TRACK for all currently supported file formats. o sampleFormat is an integer which denotes a virtual sample format. Valid values are AF_SAMPFMT_TWOSCOMP, AF_SAMPFMT_UNSIGNED, AF_SAMPFMT_FLOAT, and AF_SAMPFMT_DOUBLE. o sampleWidth is a positive integer which specifies the number of bits in a sample. o channels is a positive integer which specifies the number of interleaved audio channels in the given audio track. o byteOrder is an integer which specifies the virtual byte order of samples in the given audio track. byteOrder can be either AF_BYTEORDER_BIGENDIAN or AF_BYTEORDER_LITTLEENDIAN. o slope and intercept are double-precision floating point values which indicate the audio data sample slope and zero-crossing value, respectively, for the given sample format. o minclip and maxclip are double-precision floating point values which indicates the minimum or maximum sample values to be returned. Any values less than minclip will be set to minclip, and any values greater than maxclip will be set to maxclip. RETURN VALUE
These functions return 0 for success and -1 for failure. AUTHOR
Michael Pruett <> Audio File Library 0.3.6 03/06/2013 AFSETVIRTUALSAMPLEFO(3)

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afGetFrameCount, afGetTrackBytes, afGetDataOffset - get the total sample frame count, length of audio track in bytes, offset of the audio track for a track in an audio file SYNOPSIS
#include <audiofile.h> AFframecount afGetFrameCount (AFfilehandle file, int track); AFfileoffset afGetTrackBytes (AFfilehandle file, int track); AFfileoffset afGetDataOffset (AFfilehandle file, int track); PARAMETERS
file is an audio file handle created by a previous call to afOpenFile(3). track is an integer which specifies an audio track within file. All supported file formats contain exactly one audio track per file, so the constant AF_DEFAULT_TRACK should always be used. DESCRIPTION
afGetFrameCount returns the total number of sample frames contained within the specified track of the specified file. Each sample frame of audio consists of a fixed number of samples (equal to the number of audio channels in the track. For monaural data, a sample frame consists of one audio sample. For stereophonic data, a sample frame consists of a stereo pair. afGetTrackBytes returns the total number of bytes of raw audio data (i.e., prior to decompression or conversion) in the track. afGetDataOffset returns the offset in bytes of the start of the audio data contained within the specified track of the specified file. RETURN VALUE
afGetFrameCount returns the total number of sample frames in track. afGetTrackBytes returns the total number of bytes of audio data in track. afGetDataOffset returns the offset in bytes to the beginning of the audio data in track. Each of these routines returns -1 in case of error. AUTHOR
Michael Pruett <> Audio File Library 0.3.6 03/06/2013 AFGETFRAMECOUNT(3)
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