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afreadmisc(3) [centos man page]

AFREADMISC(3)															     AFREADMISC(3)

afReadMisc, afWriteMisc, afSeekMisc - access miscellaneous metadata in an audio file SYNOPSIS
#include <audiofile.h> int afReadMisc (AFfilehandle file, int miscid, void *buffer, int nbytes); int afWriteMisc (AFfilehandle file, int miscid, const void *buffer, int nbytes); int afSeekMisc (AFfilehandle file, int miscid, int offbytes); DESCRIPTION
afReadMisc reads up to nbytes from the miscellaneous data chunk identified by miscid in file. afWriteMisc writes up to nbytes to the miscellaneous data chunk identified by miscid in file. afSeekMisc changes the current offset within the miscellaneous data chunk identified by miscid to the offset offbytes. RETURN VALUE
afReadMisc returns the number of bytes read from the specified miscellaneous chunk into the buffer referred to by buffer. afWriteMisc returns the number of bytes written to the specified miscellaneous chunk from the buffer referred to by buffer. afSeekMisc returns the new location of the logical data pointer as measured as an offset in bytes from the beginning of the miscellaneous chunk's data area. ERRORS
afReadMisc, afWriteMisc, and afSeekMisc can produce the following error codes: o AF_BAD_READ o AF_BAD_WRITE o AF_BAD_MISCSEEK o AF_BAD_MISCID o AF_BAD_TRACKID o AF_BAD_FILEHANDLE AUTHOR
Michael Pruett <> Audio File Library 0.3.6 03/06/2013 AFREADMISC(3)

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afWriteFrames - write sample frames to a track in an audio file SYNOPSIS
#include <audiofile.h> AFframecount afWriteFrames(AFfilehandle file, int track, const void *data, AFframecount count); DESCRIPTION
afWriteFrames attempts to write up to count frames of audio data from the buffer data to the audio file handle file. PARAMETERS
file is a valid file handle returned by afOpenFile(3). track is always AF_DEFAULT_TRACK for all currently supported file formats. data is a buffer of sample frames to be written to the file. count is the number of sample frames to be written. RETURN VALUE
afWriteFrames returns the number of sample frames successfully written to file. ERRORS
afWriteFrames can produce these errors: AF_BAD_FILEHANDLE the file handle was invalid AF_BAD_TRACKID the track is not AF_DEFAULT_TRACK AF_BAD_WRITE writing audio data to the file failed AF_BAD_LSEEK seeking within the file failed SEE ALSO
afReadFrames(3) AUTHOR
Michael Pruett <> Audio File Library 0.3.6 03/06/2013 AFWRITEFRAMES(3)
Man Page

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