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acl_get_file(3) [centos man page]

ACL_GET_FILE(3) 					   BSD Library Functions Manual 					   ACL_GET_FILE(3)

acl_get_file -- get an ACL by filename LIBRARY
Linux Access Control Lists library (libacl, -lacl). SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/acl.h> acl_t acl_get_file(const char *path_p, acl_type_t type); DESCRIPTION
The acl_get_file() function retrieves the access ACL associated with a file or directory, or the default ACL associated with a directory. The pathname for the file or directory is pointed to by the argument path_p. The ACL is placed into working storage and acl_get_file() returns a pointer to that storage. In order to read an ACL from an object, a process must have read access to the object's attributes. The value of the argument type is used to indicate whether the access ACL or the default ACL associated with path_p is returned. If type is ACL_TYPE_ACCESS, the access ACL of path_p is returned. If type is ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT, the default ACL of path_p is returned. If type is ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT and no default ACL is associated with the directory path_p, then an ACL containing zero ACL entries is returned. If type specifies a type of ACL that cannot be associated with path_p, then the function fails. This function may cause memory to be allocated. The caller should free any releasable memory, when the new ACL is no longer required, by calling acl_free(3) with the (void*)acl_t returned by acl_get_file() as an argument. RETURN VALUE
On success, this function returns a pointer to the working storage. On error, a value of (acl_t)NULL is returned, and errno is set appropri- ately. ERRORS
If any of the following conditions occur, the acl_get_file() function returns a value of (acl_t)NULL and sets errno to the corresponding value: [EACCES] Search permission is denied for a component of the path prefix or the object exists and the process does not have appro- priate access rights. Argument type specifies a type of ACL that cannot be associated with path_p. [EINVAL] The argument type is not ACL_TYPE_ACCESS or ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT. [ENAMETOOLONG] The length of the argument path_p is too long. [ENOENT] The named object does not exist or the argument path_p points to an empty string. [ENOMEM] The ACL working storage requires more memory than is allowed by the hardware or system-imposed memory management con- straints. [ENOTDIR] A component of the path prefix is not a directory. [ENOTSUP] The file system on which the file identified by path_p is located does not support ACLs, or ACLs are disabled. STANDARDS
IEEE Std 1003.1e draft 17 ("POSIX.1e", abandoned) SEE ALSO
acl_free(3), acl_get_entry(3), acl_get_fd(3), acl_set_file(3), acl(5) AUTHOR
Derived from the FreeBSD manual pages written by Robert N M Watson <>, and adapted for Linux by Andreas Gruenbacher <>. Linux ACL March 23, 2002 Linux ACL

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acl_get_file(3) 					     Library Functions Manual						   acl_get_file(3)

acl_get_file - Given the pathname to a file or directory, retrieve the designated ACL LIBRARY
Security Library (libpacl.a) SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/acl.h> acl_t acl_get_file( char *path_p); acl_type_t type_d); PARAMETERS
Designates the pathname to retrieve the ACL from. Designates the type of ACL to retrieve: ACL_TYPE_ACCESS, ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT, or ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT_DIR. DESCRIPTION
NOTE: This function is based on Draft 13 of the POSIX P1003.6 standard. The acl_get_file() function retrieves the designated ACL via a pathname. The type of ACL being retrieved is designated in acl_type_t. Working system storage is allocated as needed. RETURN VALUES
Upon successful completion, the acl_get_file() function returns a pointer to the working storage internal representation copy of the ACL. If the specified ACL type is ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT or ACL_TYPE_DEFAULT_DIR and the specified ACL doesn't exist for the given file descriptor a value of NULL is returned. If the specified ACL type is ACL_TYPE_ACCESS and the given file descriptor doesn't have an access ACL a pointer to the working storage internal representation copy of the permission bits in ACL format is returned. Otherwise, a value of NULL is returned and errno is set to indicate the error. ERRORS
If any of the following conditions occur, the acl_get_file() function sets errno to the corresponding value: The required access to the file or directory was denied. The type_d argument is not a recognized ACL type. The path name is longer than allowed. The object does not exist. There is not enough memory available to the process to allocate the working storage. The type_d argument indicates a default ACL, and path_p does not point to a directory. RELATED INFORMATION
acl_set_file(3), acl_get_entry(3), acl_get_file(3), acl_set_fd(3) Security delim off acl_get_file(3)
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