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xmltest(1) [centos man page]

xmltest(1)						      General Commands Manual							xmltest(1)

xmltest - Test script to send CIM-XML (via wbemcat) to CIMOM and compare to known results SYNOPSIS
xmltest is a script that is used to send a raw CIM-XML test file to the sfcb CIMOM (using wbemcat) and then compares the returned CIM-XML results against a previously determined 'OK' result file to check whether the returned results match the expected results. If there does not yet exist an 'OK' corresponding to the XML file then xmltest will save the returned results as the new OK file for later use. If the returned CIM-XML results don't match the existing 'OK' file a new 'result' file will be generated containing the erroneous results. If no FILE is specified xmltest will use all files with a .xml extension in the current directory path. EXAMPLE
If there is no 'OK' file to compare returned CIM-XML results against xmltest will generate one. # xmltest test/getclass.Linux_OperatingSystem.xml Running test test/getclass.Linux_OperatingSystem.xml ... OK Saving response as test/getclass.Linux_OperatingSystem.OK If the returned CIM-XML results match the existing 'OK' file xmltest will signal that the test passed. # xmltest test/getclass.Linux_OperatingSystem.xml Running test test/getclass.Linux_OperatingSystem.xml ... Passed If the returned CIM-XML results don't match the existing 'OK' file xmltest will signal that the tes failed and generate a 'result' file containing the erroneous results. # xmltest test/getclass.Linux_OperatingSystem.xml Running test test/getclass.Linux_OperatingSystem.xml ... FAILED Check test/getclass.Linux_OperatingSystem.result for errors PREREQUISITES
Requires wbemcat on search path. AUTHOR
Dr. Gareth S. Bestor <> CONTRIBUTORS
Adrian Schuur <> BUGS
Does not adequately deal with additional http headers/footers caused by chunking responses, which will result in false failures when com- paring results to existing "x.OK" files. The SBLIM project maintains a mailing list to which you should direct all questions regarding sfcb, sfcc, wbemcli, or any of the SBLIM providers. To subscribe to this mailing list visit The SBLIM Project Bug tracking page can be found at COPYRIGHT
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 AVAILABILITY
The Small-Footprint CIM Broker (sfcb) is a part of the SBLIM project. The most recent version is available on the web at SEE ALSO
wbemcat(1) xmltest Version 1.3.16 August 2005 xmltest(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

wbemcli(1)						      General Commands Manual							wbemcli(1)

wbemcli - independent command line CIM Client SYNOPSIS
wbemcli gc|gcd|dc|ec|ecn|gi|ci|mi|di|ei|ein|ai|ain|ri|rin|gp|sp|cm|cmx [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-cte] [-dx] [-dr] [-noverify] [-cacert file] [-clientcert file] [-clientkey file] [-ac assocClass] [-arc resultClass] [-ar role] [-arr resultRole] objectPath [prop=value[,...]] [prop[,...]] Alternate formats: wbemgc [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-dx] [-dr] objectPath [prop[,...]] wbemgcd [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-dx] [-dr] objectPath wbemdc [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-dx] [-dr] objectPath wbemec [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-cte] [-dx] [-dr] objectPath [prop[,...]] wbemecn [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-dx] [-dr] objectPath wbemgi [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-dx] [-dr] objectPath [prop[,...]] wbemci [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-dx] [-dr] objectPath [prop=value[,...]] wbemmi [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-dx] [-dr] objectPath [prop=value[,...]] wbemdi [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-dx] [-dr] objectPath wbemei [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-cte] [-dx] [-dr] objectPath [prop[,...]] wbemein [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-dx] [-dr] objectPath wbemai [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-cte] [-dx] [-dr] [-ac assocClass] [-arc resultClass] [-ar role] [-arr resultRole] objectPath [prop[,...]] wbemain [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-dx] [-dr] [-ac assocClass] [-arc resultClass] [-ar role] [-arr resultRole] objectPath wbemri [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-cte] [-dx] [-dr] [-arc resultClass] [-ar role] objectPath [prop[,...]] wbemrin [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-dx] [-dr] [-arc resultClass] [-ar role] objectPath wbemgp [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-dx] [-dr] objectPath prop wbemsp [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-dx] [-dr] objectPath prop=value wbemcm [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-dx] [-dr] objectPath method[.param=value[,...]] wbemcmx [-nl] [-h] [-t] [-dx] [-dr] objectPath method[.param=value[,...]] DESCRIPTION
wbemcli is a command line based CIM Client. It uses one of the gc|gcd|dc|ec|ecn|gi|ci|mi|di|ei|ein|ai|ain|ri|rin|gp|sp|cm|cmx operations and the fully qualified path to the CIM Object to get to the host and execute the specified operation. This implementation is CIMOM library independent and can be used with all WBEM compliant CIMOM implementations. The objectPath parameter is used to locate the CIM object and has the following format: <scheme>://[user:pwd@]<host>:<port>/<namespace[/..]>:<classname>[.<key=value[,..]>] The objectPath should be enclosed in single quotes so that double quoted strings are perserved by the command line shell. Refer to the examples section. The only scheme supported is http. Example: http://krz:xyz@localhost:5988/root/ The prop=value[,...] parameter is used to specify <Property>=<Value> pairs for the ci, mi and sp operations. Only one <Property>=<Value> pair must be specified for the sp operation. Example: stringProp="a string",booleanProp=true,numericProp=25 Arrays of property values are supported by specifying additional values separated by commas Example: stringProp="a string","another string",numericProp=25,49,12 The prop[,...] parameter specifies the properties to be returned. One prop must be specified for the gp operation. For other operations this parameter is optional, if none are specified all properties will be returned. Example: stringProp,booleanProp,numericProp The method[.param=value[,...] parameter is used to specify <Parameter>=<Value> pairs for the cm operation. Example: Method2Execute.stringParam="a string",booleanParam=true,numericParam=25 Arrays of property values are supported by specifying additional values separated by commas Example: Method2Execute.stringParam="a string","another string",numericParam=25,49,12 OPERATIONS
: Supported operations are: gc get class gcd get class definition dc delete class ec enumerate classes ecn enumerate class names gi get instance ci create instance mi modify instance di delete instance ei enumerate instances ein enumerate instance names ai enumerate association instances ain enumerate association instance names ri enumerate reference instances rin enumerate reference instance names gp get property sp set property cm call method cmx call method (return XML) OPTIONS
-h Print a help message -nl Start a new line for every property returned -t Append array ([]), reference (&) and key property (#) indicators to property names -cte Enable support for chunked responses from CIMOM -v Show version information -dx Show XML messages payload as received from CIMOM -dr Delineate references with { } pairs -noverify Do not verify the server certificate for https URLs (useful for testing) -cacert CA certificate file (required for https URLS unless -noverify is specified) -clientcert Client certificate file (if the CIM server requires client certificates) -clientkey Client private key file (required if -clientcert is specified) -ac association class name (ai, ain only) -arc result class name (ai, ain, rin, ri only) -ar role name (ai, ain, rin, ri only) -arr result role name (ai, ain only) LIBRARIES
wbemcli requires either libghttp, libwww, or winhttp, depending on build options used. Example To get all instances of rpm_packages, i.e. all installed rpm packages on the local system, the following command can be used: wbemcli ei 'http://localhost:5988/root/cimv2:rpm_package' The get instance operation can be specified to get more information about a certain package: wbemcli gi 'http://localhost:5988/root/"glibc"' The create instance (ci) operation can be called using the follow- ing format example. Property values can also be specified/add to the sytax. wbemcli ci 'http://localhost:5988/root/cimv2:TST_InstanceProperties.CreationClassName="TST_InstanceProperties",Id="Instance #2"' 'Cre- ationClassName="TST_InstanceProperties",Id="Instance #2",Property_string2="This is instance#2",Property_uint8=250' More command line examples can be found from the wbemcli/samples directory. Host indirection support The scheme and host specification in the object path can be replaced by an arbitrary token that will be used to locate the proper scheme and host specification in ./wbemcli.ind or any file specified via the WBEMCLI_IND environment variable. The format of this file is as fol- lows: <token>: <scheme>://[user:pwd@]<host>:<port> Assuming the following entry in ./wbemcli.ind: myCimom: http://localhost:5988 The example in the previous section can then be specified as: wbemcli gi 'myCimom/root/"glibc"' FILES
/etc/Pegasus/client.pem The default CA certificate file. Can be overriden with -cacert. AUTHOR
Adrian Schuur <> BUGS
The SBLIM project maintains a mailing list to which you should direct all questions regarding sfcb, sfcc, wbemcli, or any of the SBLIM providers. To subscribe to this mailing list visit The SBLIM Project Bug tracking page can be found at COPYRIGHT
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2002, 2004, 2005, 2009 AVAILABILITY
wbemcli is a part of the SBLIM project. The most recent version is available on the web at SEE ALSO
cimserver(1) wbemcli Version 1.6.2 June 2009 wbemcli(1)
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