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wbemcat(1) [centos man page]

wbemcat(1)						      General Commands Manual							wbemcat(1)

wbemcat - a multi-protocol CIM-XML client SYNOPSIS
wbemcatX [options] [FILE] DESCRIPTION
Utility to send raw CIM-XML request FILE to the a CIMOM and display the response/results. Default CIMOM is http://localhost:5988. If no input file is specified then get XML data from stdin. This used to be the wbemcatX utility before it officially replaced the original. OPTIONS
-t, --protocol=PROTOCOL Protocol with which to connect. Default=http -h, --host=HOSTNAME Name of host running the CIMOM. Default=localhost -p, --port=PORT Port that the CIMOM is listening on. Default=5988 -?, --help Display help message and exit. PREREQUISITES
The SBLIM project maintains a mailing list to which you should direct all questions regarding sfcb, sfcc, wbemcli, or any of the SBLIM providers. To subscribe to this mailing list visit The SBLIM Project Bug tracking page can be found at COPYRIGHT
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2009 AVAILABILITY
The Small-Footprint CIM Broker (sfcb) is a part of the SBLIM project. The most recent version is available on the web at SEE ALSO
xmltest(1) wbemcat(1) wbemcatX Version 1.3.16 April 2009 wbemcat(1)

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getSchema(1)						      General Commands Manual						      getSchema(1)

getSchema - Script to download DMTF CIM Schema for Small-Footprint CIM Broker (sfcb) SYNOPSIS
getSchema [-f] schemadir DESCRIPTION
getSchema is a small script to automatically downlaod and install the latest CIM Schema from the DMTF website. The CIM Schema is required by the Small-Footprint CIM Broker (sfcb) to be able to install and register new classes. getSchema uses curl to fetch the CIM Schema tar- ball. OPTIONS
Supported command line options are: schemadir Path to download the CIM Schema tarball and extract all the CIM classes. Default is /usr/share/sfcb -f Force option. Without this option you will be prompted if an existing schema is already found in the target schemadir. Setting this option will reinstall the new CIM Schema without prompting. FILES
/usr/share/sfcb/ The getSchema script. /usr/share/sfcb/CIM/CIM_Schema.mof CIM Schema PREQUISITES
Requires curl AUTHOR
Adrian Schuur <> BUGS
The SBLIM project maintains a mailing list to which you should direct all questions regarding sfcb, sfcc, wbemcli, or any of the SBLIM providers. To subscribe to this mailing list visit The SBLIM Project Bug tracking page can be found at COPYRIGHT
(C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005 AVAILABILITY
The Small-Footprint CIM Broker (sfcb) is a part of the SBLIM project. The most recent version is available on the web at SEE ALSO
sfcbd(1) getSchema Version 1.3.16 August 2005 getSchema(1)
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