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vboxtoau(1) [centos man page]

vboxtoau(1)						    Linux System Administration 					       vboxtoau(1)

vboxtoau - isdn voice box (sound converter) SYNOPSIS
With vboxtoau you can convert files with vbox audio header to .au files (sun audio format). vboxtoau is a link to vboxcnvt. OPTIONS
Vboxtoau reads from stdin and writes to stdout. -r, --samplerate RATE Samplerate to write into the header of the output file. There is no sound conversion! Default is 8000. -u, --ulaw Convert to 8-bit ulaw. -1, --linear8 Convert to 8-bit linear. -2, --linear16 Convert to 16-bit linear. (Default) -h, --help Show summary of options. -v, --version Show version of program. SEE ALSO
autovbox(1), rmdtovbox(1), vboxmode(1), vboxcnvt(1), vbox(5) AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Andreas Jellinghaus <>, for Debian GNU/Linux and isdn4linux. ISDN 4 Linux 3.13 2000/09/15 vboxtoau(1)

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autovbox(1)						    Linux System Administration 					       autovbox(1)

autovbox - isdn voice box (sound converter) SYNOPSIS
Convert au files (sun audio format) into vbox files (vbox audio header). autovbox is a link to vboxcnvt. OPTIONS
Autovbox reads from stdin and writes to stdout. -2, --adpcm-2 Convert to ADPCM 2 format. -3, --adpcm-3 Convert to ADPCM 3 format. -4, --adpcm-4 Convert to ADPCM 4 format. -u, --ulaw Convert to ulaw format (default). -n, --name NAME Name to write into the header. -p, --phone PHONE Telephone number to write into the header. -l, --location LOCATION City to write into the header. -h, --help Show summary of options. -v, --version Show version of program. SEE ALSO
rmdtovbox(1), vboxtoau(1), vboxmode(1), vboxcnvt(1), vbox(5) AUTHOR
This manual page was written by Andreas Jellinghaus <>, for Debian GNU/Linux and isdn4linux. ISDN 4 Linux 3.1pre4 2000/09/15 autovbox(1)
Man Page

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