unicode_start - put keyboard and console in unicode mode
unicode_start [font [umap]]
The unicode_start command will put the keyboard and console into Unicode (UTF-8) mode.
For the keyboard this means that one can attach 16-bit U+xxxx values to keyboard keys using loadkeys(1), and have these appear as UTF-8
input to user programs. Also, that one can type hexadecimal Alt-xxxx using the numeric keypad, and again produce UTF-8.
For the console this means that the kernel expects UTF-8 output from user programs, and displays the output accordingly.
The parameter font is a font that is loaded. It should have a built-in Unicode map, or, if it hasn't, such a map can be given explicitly as
second parameter. When no font was specified, the current font is kept.
Unicode mode is a parameter with a value per virtual console. However, usually the font and keymap is common to all consoles.
SEE ALSO dumpkeys(1), kbd_mode(1), loadkeys(1), unicode_stop(1), utf-8(7), setfont(8)
3 Feb 2001 UNICODE_START(1)
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unicode_start - put keyboard and console in unicode mode
unicode_start [font [umap]]
The unicode_start command will put the keyboard and console into Unicode (UTF-8) mode.
For the keyboard this means that one can attach 16-bit U+xxxx values to keyboard keys using loadkeys(1), and have these appear as UTF-8
input to user programs. Also, that one can type hexadecimal Alt-xxxx using the numeric keypad, and again produce UTF-8.
For the console this means that the kernel expects UTF-8 output from user programs, and displays the output accordingly.
The parameter font is a font that is loaded. It should have a built-in Unicode map, or, if it hasn't, such a map can be given explicitly as
second parameter. When no font was specified, the current font is kept.
Unicode mode is a parameter with a value per virtual console. However, usually the font and keymap is common to all consoles.
SEE ALSO dumpkeys(1), kbd_mode(1), loadkeys(1), unicode_stop(1), utf-8(7), setfont(8)
3 Feb 2001 UNICODE_START(1)
Herez the scenario
1. logged in as user xxxx
$ id
uid=125(xxxx) gid=101(my_grp) groups=0(system),15(users),16(sysadmin),19(adm),110(appl)
$ touch test
$ ls -la test
-rw-r--r-- 1 xxxx system 0 Mar 7 14:31 test
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su - xxxx << EOF
and, this does not work...suggestions? (3 Replies)
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eg: 03,xxx,xxxx,xxxx
... (2 Replies)
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10103060GMT yyyy 102005050GMT xxxx ....
the expected output is
10103060GMT yyyy
102005050GMT xxxx
I thought we can use
sed -e /s........GMT/\n/g inputfile , but I could see Iam doing... (3 Replies)
My input file is
I need to change the second field value from 2 to 1. i.e.,
Thanks in advance. (9 Replies)
wget --spider --user=xxxx --password=xxxx "http://xxx.xxxx.com" > /dev/null 2>&1;
I am using the above command in if loop to check the response of the page without downloading the page. I just want to check whether the page is up and running. But when i execute the command i am getting
HTTP... (2 Replies)
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While doing FTP am getting an error like
Connected to xxxx (xxxx).
220 (vsFTPd 2.0.5)
Name (xxxx:nn): yy
331 Please specify the password.
230 Login successful.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> dir */*/*/*.zip
227 Entering Passive... (6 Replies)
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I'm installing a HP r2660 machine with HP-UX 11.23 (this version fixed by customer's product) and I've troubles using the VGA console as workstation display.
At first it worked just as TEXT console, then I fixed /etc/dt/config/Xservers and now I've the CDE prompt for login.
... (5 Replies)
I'm looking for two scripts, can anyone help me on this.
The first one to scan log files in /xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/USERLOGS and /xxxx/xxxxx/xxx/xxx/xxx/Logs and list out all files and the offending lines that have a readable password.
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#zz="cc $aa"
#echo $zz
out put is
cc xxxx
if I want to get
cc gggg
how should I do, I don't want to write zz="c $aa " after aa=gggg (2 Replies)
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I'm trying to change one string from a file contening this patern:
4 numbers - end 4 other numbers
This is a sample of the file:
LDR 00679 am a2200205 4500
=001 3617
=008 030219s2000\\\\xxx|||||\||||\00|\0\spa\d
=020 \\$a0211-1942
=041 \\$aCastellà
=093 ... (5 Replies)
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I have several directories with multiple files of all kinds in them. For example
directory ###### contains:
How do I... (8 Replies)