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spice-vdagent(1) [centos man page]

spice-vdagent(1)					      General Commands Manual						  spice-vdagent(1)

spice-vdagent - Spice guest agent X11 session agent SYNOPSIS
The spice guest agent for Linux consists of 2 parts, a system wide daemon spice-vdagentd and a X11 session agent spice-vdagent of which there is one per X11 session. spice-vdagent gets automatically started in desktop environments which honor /etc/xdg/autostart, and under gdm. FEATURES
The spice guest agent adds the following features to spice Linux guests: Client mouse mode (no need to grab mouse by client, no mouse lag) Automatic adjustment of the X11 session's number of virtual monitors, and their resolution, to the number of client windows and their reso- lution Support of copy and paste (text and images) between the active X11 session and the client, this supports both the primary selection and the clipboard Support for transfering files from the client to the agent OPTIONS
-h Print a short description of all command line options -d Log debug messages -s port Set virtio serial port (default: /dev/virtio-ports/com.redhat.spice.0) -x Don't daemonize -f dir|xdg-desktop|xdg-download Set directory where to save files send from the client, this can be either an arbitrary dir or one of the special values of xdg- desktop or xdg-download to select the default xdg Desktop resp. xdg Download directory. If no value is specified the default is xdg- desktop when running under a Desktop Environment which has icons on the desktop and xdg-download under other Desktop Environments -o 0|1 Disable/enable opening the file save directory with xdg-open (showing the directory in the file manager) when a file transfer from the client completes. If no value is specified the default is 0 when running under a Desktop Environment which has icons on the desktop and 1 under other Desktop Environments SEE ALSO
spice-vdagentd(1) COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2010-2013 Red Hat, Inc. License GPLv3+: GNU GPL version 3 or later <>. This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it. There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law. spice-vdagent 0.14.0 April 2013 spice-vdagent(1)

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XDG-SETTINGS(1) 						xdg-settings Manual						   XDG-SETTINGS(1)

xdg-settings - get various settings from the desktop environment SYNOPSIS
xdg-settings {get | check | set} {property} [subproperty] [value] xdg-settings {--help | --list | --manual | --version} DESCRIPTION
xdg-settings gets various settings from the desktop environment. For instance, desktop environments often provide proxy configuration and default web browser settings. Using xdg-settings these parameters can be extracted for use by applications that do not use the desktop environment's libraries (which would use the settings natively). xdg-settings is for use inside a desktop session only. It is not recommended to use xdg-settings as root. OPTIONS
--help Show command synopsis. --list List all properties xdg-settings knows about. --manual Show this manual page. --version Show the xdg-utils version information. PROPERTIES
When using xdg-settings to get, check or set a destkop setting, properties and possibly sub-properties are used to specify the setting to be changed. Some properties (such as default-web-browser) fully describe the setting to be changed. Other properties (such as default-url-scheme-handler) require more information (in this case the actual scheme to set the default handler for) which must be provided in a sub-property. EXIT CODES
An exit code of 0 indicates success while a non-zero exit code indicates failure. The following failure codes can be returned: 1 Error in command line syntax. 2 One of the files passed on the command line did not exist. 3 A required tool could not be found. 4 The action failed. EXAMPLES
Get the desktop file name of the current default web browser xdg-settings get default-web-browser Check whether the default web browser is firefox.desktop, which can be false even if "get default-web-browser" says that is the current value (if only some of the underlying settings actually reflect that value) xdg-settings check default-web-browser firefox.desktop Set the default web browser to google-chrome.desktop xdg-settings set default-web-browser google-chrome.desktop Set the default mailto URL scheme handler to be evolution.desktop xdg-settings set default-url-scheme-handler mailto evolution.desktop AUTHOR
Mike Mammarella Author. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2009-2011 [FIXME: source] 06/10/2014 XDG-SETTINGS(1)
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