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speech-dispatcher(1) [centos man page]

SPEECH-DISPATCHER(1)						   User Commands					      SPEECH-DISPATCHER(1)

speech-dispatcher - server process managing speech requests in Speech Dispatcher SYNOPSIS
speech-dispatcher [-{d|s}] [-l {1|2|3|4|5}] [-c com_method] [-S socket_path] [-p port] | [-v] | [-h] DESCRIPTION
speech-dispatcher is a server process that is responsible for transforming requests for text-to-speech output into actual speech hearable in the speakers. It arbitrates concurrent speech requests based on message priorities, and abstracts different speech synthesizers. Client programs, like screen readers or navigation software, send speech requests to speech-dispatcher using TCP protocol (with the help of client libraries). speech-dispatcher is usually started automatically by client libraries (i.e. autospawn), so you only need to run it manually if testing/debugging, or when in other explicit need for a special setup. OPTIONS
-d, --run-daemon Run as a daemon -s, --run-single Run as single application -a, --spawn Start only if autospawn is not disabled -l, --log-level Set log level (1..5) -c, --communication-method Communication method to use (unix_socket or inet_socket) -S, --socket-path Socket path to use for 'unix_socket' method (filesystem path or 'default') -p, --port Specify a port number for 'inet_socket' method -P, --pid-file Set path to pid file -C, --config-dir Set path to configuration -v, --version Report version of this program -D, --debug Output debugging information into /tmp/.speech-dispatcher -h, --help Print this info BUGS
Please report bugs to <> SEE ALSO
spd-say(1) The full documentation for speech-dispatcher is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and speech-dispatcher programs are properly installed at your site, the command info speech-dispatcher should give you access to the complete manual. speech-dispatcher 0.7.1 March 2011 SPEECH-DISPATCHER(1)

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SPD-SAY(1)							   User Commands							SPD-SAY(1)

spd-say - send text-to-speech output request to speech-dispatcher SYNOPSIS
spd-say [options] "some text" DESCRIPTION
spd-say sends text-to-speech output request to speech-dispatcher process which handles it and ideally outputs the result to the audio sys- tem. OPTIONS
-r, --rate Set the rate of the speech (between -100 and +100, default: 0) -p, --pitch Set the pitch of the speech (between -100 and +100, default: 0) -i, --volume Set the volume (intensity) of the speech (between -100 and +100, default: 0) -o, --output-module Set the output module -l, --language Set the language (iso code) -t, --voice-type Set the preferred voice type (male1, male2, male3, female1, female2, female3, child_male, child_female) -m, --punctuation-mode Set the punctuation mode (none, some, all) -s, --spelling Spell the message -x, --ssml Set SSML mode on (default: off) -e, --pipe-mode Pipe from stdin to stdout plus Speech Dispatcher -P, --priority Set priority of the message (important, message, text, notification, progress; default: text) -N, --application-name Set the application name used to establish the connection to specified string value (default: spd-say) -n, --connection-name Set the connection name used to establish the connection to specified string value (default: main) -w, --wait Wait till the message is spoken or discarded -S, --stop Stop speaking the message being spoken in Speech Dispatcher -C, --cancel Cancel all messages in Speech Dispatcher -v, --version Print version and copyright info -h, --help Print this info ENVIRONMENT
SPEECHD_ADDRESS specifies TCP endpoint where speech-dispatcher is listening and to which spd-say should connect. Has form of <method>:<address>, where <method> is one of unix_socket and inet_socket. The <address> is either path to Unix domain socket if method is unix_socket, of IP address if method is inet_socket. SEE ALSO
speech-dispatcher(1) The full documentation for spd-say is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and spd-say programs are properly installed at your site, the command info spd-say should give you access to the complete manual. spd-say 0.7.1 March 2011 SPD-SAY(1)
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