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slptool(1) [centos man page]

SLPTOOL(1)							   User Commands							SLPTOOL(1)

slptool - SLP command line tool SYNOPSIS
slptool [options] command-and-arguments OPTIONS
options may be: -v (or --version) displays the versions of slptool and OpenSLP. -s (or --scope) followed by a comma-separated list of scopes. -l (or --language) followed by a language tag. -t (or --time) followed by a lifetime tag. -i (or --interfaces) followed by a comma-separated list of interfaces. -u (or --unicastifc) followed by a single interface. command-and-arguments may be: findsrvs service-type [filter] findattrs url [attrids] findsrvtypes [authority] findscopes register url [attrs] deregister url getproperty propertyname EXAMPLES
slptool register service:myserv.x:// "(attr1=val1),(attr2=val2)" slptool findsrvs service:myserv.x slptool findsrvs service:myserv.x "(attr1=val1)" slptool -i, findsrvs service:myserv.x slptool -u findsrvs service:myserv.x "(attr1=val1)" slptool findattrs service:myserv.x:// slptool findattrs service:myserv.x:// attr1 slptool -i findattrs service:myserv.x:// attr1 slptool -u findattrs service:myserv.x:// attr1 slptool deregister service:myserv.x:// slptool getproperty net.slp.useScopes slptool 2.0.beta2 May 2013 SLPTOOL(1)

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slptool(1)						      General Commands Manual							slptool(1)

slptool - SLP command line tool SYNOPSIS
/usr/bin/slpd [-v|--version] [-s|--scope scopes] [-l|--language languagetag] [command [arguments]] DESCRIPTION
slptool is a command line tool to make SLPv2 User Agent (UA) requests. It can be used for SLP lookup/advertisement in shell scripts or as a diagnostic tool. OPTIONS
-v|--version displays version of slptool and OpenSLP. -s|--scope scopes scopes is a comma separated list of scopes applicable for the command. [-l|--language languagetag languagetag is the language tag to be used for the command. findsrvs service-type [filter] findattrs url [attrids] findsrvtypes [authority] findscopes register url [attrs] deregister url getproperty propertyname EXAMPLES
slptool register service:myserv.x:// "(attr1=val1),(attr2=val2)" slptool findsrvs service:myserv.x slptool findsrvs service:myserv.x "(attr1=val1)" slptool findattrs service:myserv.x:// slptool findattrs service:myserv.x:// attr1 slptool deregister service:myserv.x:// slptool getproperty net.slp.useScopes SEE ALSO
"OpenSLP User's Guide" NOTES
This man page was written for the Debian project by Debian Developer Ganesan Rajagopal ( You should refer to the online html documentation in the openslp-doc package for more complete and up-to-date information. BUGS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
OpenSLP is developed and maintained by The OpenSLP Project ( OpenSLP 1.0.1 Sep 08 2001 slptool(1)
Man Page

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