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show-installed(1) [centos man page]

show-installed(1)														 show-installed(1)

show-installed - show installed RPM packages and descriptions SYNOPSIS
show-installed [options] DESCRIPTION
show-installed gives a compact description of the packages installed (or given) making use of the comps groups found in the repositories. OPTIONS
-h, --help show this help message and exit -f FORMAT, --format=FORMAT yum, kickstart or human; yum gives the result as a yum command line; kickstart the content of a %packages section; "human" readable is default. -i INPUT, --input=INPUT File to read the package list from instead of using the rpmdb. - for stdin. The file must contain package names only separated by white space (including newlines). rpm -qa --qf='%{name} ' produces proper output. -o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT File to write the result to. Stdout is used if option is omitted. -q, --quiet Do not show warnings. -e, --no-excludes Only show groups that are installed completely. Do not use exclude lines. --global-excludes Print exclude lines at the end and not after the groups requiring them. --global-addons Print package names at the end and not after the groups offering them as addon. --addons-by-group Also show groups not selected to sort packages contained by them. Those groups are commented out with a "# " at the begin of the line. -m, --allow-mandatories Check if just installing the mandatory packages gives better results. Uses "." to mark those groups. -a, --allow-all Check if installing all packages in the groups gives better results. Uses "*" to mark those groups. --ignore-missing Ignore packages missing in the repos. --ignore-missing-excludes Do not produce exclude lines for packages not in the repository. Florian Festi 21 October 2010 show-installed(1)

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APT-SHOW-VERSIONS(1p)					User Contributed Perl Documentation				     APT-SHOW-VERSIONS(1p)

apt-show-versions - Lists available package versions with distribution DESCRIPTION
apt-show-versions parses the dpkg status file and the APT lists for the installed and available package versions and distribution and shows upgrade options within the specific distribution of the selected package. This is really useful if you have a mixed stable/testing environment and want to list all packages which are from testing and can be upgraded in testing. apt-show-versions uses caching for the status information of installed and available packages. If you run apt-show-versions as root the cache is updated as needed. If you run as non-root uses the newest available information, but can't update the cache. If you run as root with the option -i the cache is initialized or updated only. SYNOPSIS
apt-show-versions [-h] [[-p] package name] [-a] [-b] OPTIONS
If you don't give any options the status of all installed packages is printed. -p package, --package=package Print available and installed versions for specified package. You can also specify a package name without the option -p. If -p and a package name are missing, all installed packages are displayed. -r, --regex interpret package from option -p as a regex. -R, --regex-all like --regex, but also show matching packages which are not installed -u, --upgradeable Print only upgradeable packages -a, --allversions Print all available versions of the selected packages -b, --brief Print only package_name/distribution for upgradeable packages -v, --verbose Prints out messages about which Package files are parsed. -i, --initialize Initialize or update package cache only (as root). Do this every time when the status of the installed or available packages has changed. Initialization is done automatically on installation of the package and via a cron.daily job. -stf file, --status-file=file Use file as the dpkg status file instead of /var/lib/dpkg/status -ld directory, --list-dir=directory Use directory as path to apt's list files instead of /var/state/apt/lists/ or /var/lib/apt/lists/ -h, --help Prints out command-line help. EXIT CODES
0 No error 1 Wrong usage 2 apt-show-versions has been called with exactly one package and upgradeable option set, but package is uptodate. As no output has been requested, this case gets signaled using the exit code. 255 Unspecified error EXAMPLES
If you want to know for all your installed packages whether they are uptodate or upgradeable, use: apt-show-versions If you want to have a list of all upgradeable packages: apt-show-versions -u To get a list of all available versions of libc6: apt-show-versions -a -p libc6 To get information about several packages: apt-show-versions dpkg apt apt-show-versions -r ^texlive To upgrade all packages in testing: apt-get install `apt-show-versions -u -b | fgrep testing` AUTHOR
Christoph Martin, SEE ALSO
apt(8), dpkg(1) perl v5.14.2 2012-10-26 APT-SHOW-VERSIONS(1p)
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