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setcifsacl(1) [centos man page]

SETCIFSACL(1)						  CIFS Access Control List Tools					     SETCIFSACL(1)

setcifsacl - Userspace helper to alter an ACL in a security descriptor for Common Internet File System (CIFS) SYNOPSIS
setcifsacl [-v|-a|-D|-M|-S] "{one or more ACEs}" {file system object} DESCRIPTION
This tool is part of the cifs-utils suite. setcifsacl is a userspace helper program for the Linux CIFS client file system. It is intended to alter an ACL of a security descriptor for a file system object. Whether a security descriptor to be set is applied or not is determined by the CIFS/SMB server. This program uses a plugin to handle the mapping of user and group names to SIDs. /etc/cifs-utils/idmap-plugin should be a symlink that points to the correct plugin to use. OPTIONS
-h Print usage message and exit. -v Print version number and exit. -a Add one or more ACEs to an ACL of a security descriptor. An ACE is added even if the same ACE exists in the ACL. -D Delete one or more ACEs from an ACL of a security descriptor. Entire ACE has to match in an existing ACL for the listed ACEs to be deleted. -M Modify one or more ACEs from an ACL of a security descriptor. SID and type are used to match for existing ACEs to be modified with the list of ACEs specified. -S Set an ACL of security descriptor with the list of ACEs Existing ACL is replaced entirely with the specified ACEs. Every ACE entry starts with "ACL:" One or more ACEs are specified within double quotes. Multiple ACEs are separated by a comma. Following fields of an ACE can be modified with possible values: SID: Either a name or a raw SID value. type: ALLOWED (0x0), DENIED (0x1), OBJECT_ALLOWED (0x5), OBJECT_DENIED (0x6) flags: OBJECT_INHERIT_FLAG (OI or 0x1), CONTAINER_INHERIT_FLAG (CI or 0x2), NO_PROPAGATE_INHERIT_FLAG (NI or 0x4), INHERIT_ONLY_FLAG (IO or 0x8), INHERITED_ACE_FLAG (IA or 0x10) or a combination/OR of these values. mask: Either one of FULL, CHANGE, READ, a combination of R W X D P O, or a hex value EXAMPLES
Add an ACE setcifsacl -a "ACL:CIFSTESTDOMuser2:DENIED/0x1/D" <file_name> setcifsacl -a "ACL:CIFSTESTDOMuser1:ALLOWED/OI|CI|NI/D" <file_name> Delete an ACE setcifsacl -D "ACL:S-1-1-0:0x1/OI/0x1201ff" <file_name> Modify an ACE setcifsacl -M "ACL:CIFSTESTDOMuser1:ALLOWED/0x1f/CHANGE" <file_name> Set an ACL setcifsacl -S "ACL:CIFSTESTDOMAdministrator:0x0/0x0/FULL, ACL:CIFSTESTDOMuser2:0x0/0x0/FULL" <file_name> NOTES
Kernel support for getcifsacl/setcifsacl utilities was initially introduced in the 2.6.37 kernel. SEE ALSO
mount.cifs(8), getcifsacl(1) AUTHOR
Shirish Pargaonkar wrote the setcifsacl program. The Linux CIFS Mailing list is the preferred place to ask questions regarding these programs. cifs-utils 08/19/2011 SETCIFSACL(1)

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SHARESEC(1)							   User Commands						       SHARESEC(1)

sharesec - Set or get share ACLs SYNOPSIS
sharesec {sharename} [-r, --remove=ACL] [-m, --modify=ACL] [-a, --add=ACL] [-R, --replace=ACLs] [-D, --delete] [-v, --view] [--view-all] [-M, --machine-sid] [-F, --force] [-d, --debuglevel=DEBUGLEVEL] [-s, --configfile=CONFIGFILE] [-l, --log-basename=LOGFILEBASE] [--version] [-?, --help] [--usage] [-S, --setsddl=STRING] [-V, --viewsddl] DESCRIPTION
This tool is part of the samba(7) suite. The sharesec program manipulates share permissions on SMB file shares. OPTIONS
The following options are available to the sharesec program. The format of ACLs is described in the section ACL FORMAT -a|--add=ACL Add the ACEs specified to the ACL list. -D|--delete Delete the entire security descriptor. -F|--force Force storing the ACL. -m|--modify=ACL Modify existing ACEs. -M|--machine-sid Initialize the machine SID. -r|--remove=ACL Remove ACEs. -R|--replace=ACLS Overwrite an existing share permission ACL. -v|--view List a share acl --view-all List all share acls -S|--setsddl=STRING Set security descriptor by providing ACL in SDDL format. -V|--viewsddl List a share acl in SDDL format. -?|--help Print a summary of command line options. -d|--debuglevel=level level is an integer from 0 to 10. The default value if this parameter is not specified is 0. The higher this value, the more detail will be logged to the log files about the activities of the server. At level 0, only critical errors and serious warnings will be logged. Level 1 is a reasonable level for day-to-day running - it generates a small amount of information about operations carried out. Levels above 1 will generate considerable amounts of log data, and should only be used when investigating a problem. Levels above 3 are designed for use only by developers and generate HUGE amounts of log data, most of which is extremely cryptic. Note that specifying this parameter here will override the log level parameter in the smb.conf file. -V|--version Prints the program version number. -s|--configfile=<configuration file> The file specified contains the configuration details required by the server. The information in this file includes server-specific information such as what printcap file to use, as well as descriptions of all the services that the server is to provide. See smb.conf for more information. The default configuration file name is determined at compile time. -l|--log-basename=logdirectory Base directory name for log/debug files. The extension ".progname" will be appended (e.g. log.smbclient, log.smbd, etc...). The log file is never removed by the client. --option=<name>=<value> Set the smb.conf(5) option "<name>" to value "<value>" from the command line. This overrides compiled-in defaults and options read from the configuration file. ACL FORMAT
The format of an ACL is one or more ACL entries separated by either commas or newlines. An ACL entry is one of the following: REVISION:<revision number> OWNER:<sid or name> GROUP:<sid or name> ACL:<sid or name>:<type>/<flags>/<mask> The revision of the ACL specifies the internal Windows NT ACL revision for the security descriptor. If not specified it defaults to 1. Using values other than 1 may cause strange behaviour. The owner and group specify the owner and group SIDs for the object. If a SID in the format S-1-x-y-z is specified this is used, otherwise the name specified is resolved using the server on which the file or directory resides. ACLs specify permissions granted to the SID. This SID can be specified in S-1-x-y-z format or as a name in which case it is resolved against the server on which the file or directory resides. The type, flags and mask values determine the type of access granted to the SID. The type can be either ALLOWED or DENIED to allow/deny access to the SID. The flags values are generally zero for share ACLs. The mask is a value which expresses the access right granted to the SID. It can be given as a decimal or hexadecimal value, or by using one of the following text strings which map to the NT file permissions of the same name. o R - Allow read access o W - Allow write access o X - Execute permission on the object o D - Delete the object o P - Change permissions o O - Take ownership The following combined permissions can be specified: o READ - Equivalent to 'RX' permissions o CHANGE - Equivalent to 'RXWD' permissions o FULL - Equivalent to 'RWXDPO' permissions EXIT STATUS
The sharesec program sets the exit status depending on the success or otherwise of the operations performed. The exit status may be one of the following values. If the operation succeeded, sharesec returns and exit status of 0. If sharesec couldn't connect to the specified server, or there was an error getting or setting the ACLs, an exit status of 1 is returned. If there was an error parsing any command line arguments, an exit status of 2 is returned. EXAMPLES
Add full access for SID S-1-5-21-1866488690-1365729215-3963860297-17724 on share: host:~ # sharesec share -a S-1-5-21-1866488690-1365729215-3963860297-17724:ALLOWED/0/FULL List all ACEs for share: host:~ # sharesec share -v REVISION:1 OWNER:(NULL SID) GROUP:(NULL SID) ACL:S-1-1-0:ALLOWED/0/0x101f01ff ACL:S-1-5-21-1866488690-1365729215-3963860297-17724:ALLOWED/0/FULL VERSION
This man page is correct for version 3 of the Samba suite. AUTHOR
The original Samba software and related utilities were created by Andrew Tridgell. Samba is now developed by the Samba Team as an Open Source project similar to the way the Linux kernel is developed. Samba 4.0 06/17/2014 SHARESEC(1)
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