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regdiff(1) [centos man page]

REGDIFF(1)						    System Administration tools 						REGDIFF(1)

regdiff - Diff program for Windows registry files SYNOPSIS
regdiff [--help] [--backend=BACKEND] [--credentials=CREDENTIALS] [location] DESCRIPTION
regdiff compares two Windows registry files key by key and value by value and generates a text file that contains the differences between the two files. A file generated by regdiff can later be applied to a registry file by the regpatch utility. regdiff and regpatch use the same file format as the regedit32.exe utility from Windows. OPTIONS
--help Show list of available options. --backend BACKEND Name of backend to load. Possible values are: creg, regf, dir and rpc. The default is dir. This argument can be specified twice: once for the first registry file and once for the second. --credentials=CREDENTIALS Credentials to use, if any. Password should be separated from user name by a percent sign. This argument can be specified twice: once for the first registry file and once for the second. VERSION
This man page is correct for version 4.0 of the Samba suite. SEE ALSO
gregedit, regshell, regpatch, regtree, samba, patch, diff AUTHOR
This utility is part of the Samba[1] suite, which is developed by the global Samba Team[2]. This manpage and regdiff were written by Jelmer Vernooij. NOTES
1. Samba 2. Samba Team Samba 4.0 06/17/2014 REGDIFF(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

REGPATCH(1)						    System Administration tools 					       REGPATCH(1)

regpatch - Applies registry patches to registry files SYNOPSIS
regpatch [--help] [--backend=BACKEND] [--credentials=CREDENTIALS] [location] [patch-file] DESCRIPTION
The regpatch utility applies registry patches to Windows registry files. The patch files should have the same format as is being used by the regdiff utility and regedit32.exe from Windows. If no patch file is specified on the command line, regpatch attempts to read it from standard input. OPTIONS
--help Show list of available options. --backend BACKEND Name of backend to load. Possible values are: creg, regf, dir and rpc. The default is dir. --credentials=CREDENTIALS Credentials to use, if any. Password should be separated from user name by a percent sign. VERSION
This man page is correct for version 4.0 of the Samba suite. SEE ALSO
regdiff, regtree, regshell, gregedit, samba, diff, patch AUTHOR
This utility is part of the Samba[1] suite, which is developed by the global Samba Team[2]. This manpage and regpatch were written by Jelmer Vernooij. NOTES
1. Samba 2. Samba Team Samba 4.0 06/17/2014 REGPATCH(1)
Man Page

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