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ppdi(1) [centos man page]

ppdi(1) 							    Apple Inc.								   ppdi(1)

ppdi - import ppd files SYNOPSIS
ppdi [ -I include-directory ] [ -o source-file ] ppd-file [ ppd-file2 ... ppd-fileN ] DESCRIPTION
ppdi imports one or more PPD files into a PPD compiler source file. Multiple languages of the same PPD file are merged into a single printer definition to facilitate accurate changes for all localizations. The -o option specifies the PPD source file to update. If the source file does not exist, a new source file is created. Otherwise the existing file is merged with the new PPD file(s) on the command-line. If no source file is specified, the filename "ppdi.drv" is used. SEE ALSO
ppdc(1), ppdhtml(1), ppdmerge(1), ppdpo(1), ppdcfile(5) http://localhost:631/help COPYRIGHT
Copyright 2007-2013 by Apple Inc. 20 May 2008 CUPS ppdi(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

ppdmerge(1)							    Apple Inc.							       ppdmerge(1)

ppdmerge - merge ppd files (deprecated) SYNOPSIS
ppdmerge [ -o output-ppd-file ] ppd-file ppd-file [ ... ppd-file ] DESCRIPTION
ppdmerge merges two or more PPD files into a single, multi-language PPD file. This program is deprecated and will be removed in a future release of CUPS. OPTIONS
ppdmerge supports the following options: -o output-ppd-file Specifies the PPD file to create. If not specified, the merged PPD file is written to the standard output. If the output file already exists, it is silently overwritten. NOTES
ppdmerge does not check whether the merged PPD files are for the same device. Merging of different device PPDs will yield unpredictable results. SEE ALSO
ppdc(1), ppdhtml(1), ppdi(1), ppdpo(1), ppdcfile(5), CUPS Online Help (http://localhost:631/help) COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2007-2017 by Apple Inc. 12 June 2014 CUPS ppdmerge(1)
Man Page

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