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pom2(1) [centos man page]

POM2(1) 						User Contributed Perl Documentation						   POM2(1)

pom2 - convert POD to Text, HTML, etc., with Pod::POM SYNOPSIS
pom2 text > MyFile.txt pom2 html > MyFile.html pom2 pod > Myfile.pod pom2 format [options] > DESCRIPTION
This script uses "Pod::POM" to convert a Pod document into text, HTML, back into Pod (e.g. to normalise a document to fix any markup errors), or any other format for which you have a view module. If the viewer is not one of the viewers bundled with "Pod::POM", the script searches for an installed "Pod::POM::View" module that matches the specified format. For example if you have "Pod::POM::View::DocBook" installed then you could say: pod2 docbook > MyFile.xml If any options other than "--help" are specified then they are passed to the constructor method of the view class. For example: pod2 docbook --root=chapter --titlecasing > MyFile.xml would convert the Pod document to a DocBook chapter document with the titlecasing option enabled. Note that any string prefixed by ""--"" is taken as a valid option and passed to the constructor; if no value is specified then a value of 1 is passed in. AUTHOR
Andy Wardley <> extended by Andrew Ford <> VERSION
This is version 0.3 of pom2. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2000, 2001 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C) 2009 Andrew Ford. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO
For further information please see Pod::POM. perl v5.16.3 2010-04-01 POM2(1)

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Pod::POM::View::Text(3pm)				User Contributed Perl Documentation				 Pod::POM::View::Text(3pm)

Pod::POM::View::Text - create text views of POM objects DESCRIPTION
Text view of a Pod Object Model. METHODS
"view($self, $type, $item)" "view_pod($self, $pod)" "view_head1($self, $head1)" "view_head2($self, $head2)" "view_head3($self, $head3)" "view_head4($self, $head4)" "view_over($self, $over)" "view_item($self, $item)" "view_for($self, $for)" "view_begin($self, $begin)" "view_textblock($self, $textblock)" "view_verbatim($self, $verbatim)" "view_meta($self, $meta)" "view_seq_bold($self, $text)" Returns the text of a "B<>" sequence in 'bold' (i.e. surrounded by asterisks, like *this*). "view_seq_italic($self, $text)" Returns the text of a "I<>" sequence in 'italics' (i.e. surrounded by underscores, like _this_). "view_seq_code($self, $text)" "view_seq_file($self, $text)" "view_seq_entity($self, $text)" "view_seq_index($self, $text)" Returns an empty string. Index sequences are suppressed in text view. "view_seq_link($self, $text)" AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 2000 Andy Wardley. All Rights Reserved. This module is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. perl v5.10.1 2010-04-03 Pod::POM::View::Text(3pm)
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