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oparchive(1) [centos man page]

OPARCHIVE(1)						      General Commands Manual						      OPARCHIVE(1)

oparchive - produce archive of oprofile data for offline analysis SYNOPSIS
oparchive [ options ] [profile specification] -o [directory] DESCRIPTION
oparchive generates a directory populated with executable, debug, and oprofile sample files. This directory can be move to another machine via tar and analyzed without further use of the data collection machine. See oprofile(1) for how to write profile specifications. OPTIONS
--help / -? / --usage Show help message. --version / -v Show version. --verbose / -V [options] Give verbose debugging output. --session-dir=dir_path Use sample database from the specified directory dir_path instead of the default locations. If --session-dir is not specified, then oparchive will search for samples in <current_dir>/oprofile_data first. If that directory does not exist, the standard session-dir of /var/lib/oprofile is used. --image-path / -p [paths] Comma-separated list of additional paths to search for binaries. This is needed to find modules in kernels 2.6 and upwards. --root / -R [path] A path to a filesystem to search for additional binaries. --output-directory / -o [directory] Output to the given directory. There is no default. This must be specified. --exclude-dependent / -x Do not include application-specific images for libraries, kernel modules and the kernel. This option only makes sense if the profile session used --separate. --list-files / -l Only list the files that would be archived, don't copy them. ENVIRONMENT
No special environment variables are recognised by oparchive. FILES
<current_dir>/oprofile_data/samples Or /var/lib/oprofile/samples/ The location of the generated sample files. VERSION
This man page is current for oprofile-0.9.9. SEE ALSO
/usr/share/doc/oprofile/, oprofile(1) 4th Berkeley Distribution Tue 10 June 2014 OPARCHIVE(1)

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OPANNOTATE(1)						      General Commands Manual						     OPANNOTATE(1)

opannotate - produce source or assembly annotated with profile data SYNOPSIS
opannotate [ options ] [profile specification] DESCRIPTION
opannotate outputs annotated source and/or assembly from profile data of an OProfile session. See oprofile(1) for how to write profile specifications. OPTIONS
--assembly / -a Output annotated assembly. The binary file to be annotated does not need full debugging information to use this option, but symbol information is required. Without symbol information, opannotate will silently refuse to annotate the binary. If this option is com- bined with --source, then mixed source / assembly annotations are output. --demangle / -D none|smart|normal none: no demangling. normal: use default demangler (default) smart: use pattern-matching to make C++ symbol demangling more read- able. --exclude-dependent / -x Do not include application-specific images for libraries, kernel modules and the kernel. This option only makes sense if the profile session used --separate. --exclude-file [files] Exclude all files in the given comma-separated list of glob patterns. --exclude-symbols / -e [symbols] Exclude all the symbols in the given comma-separated list. --help / -? / --usage Show help message. --image-path / -p [paths] Comma-separated list of additional paths to search for binaries. This is needed to find modules in kernels 2.6 and upwards. --root / -R [path] A path to a filesystem to search for additional binaries. --include-file [files] Only include files in the given comma-separated list of glob patterns. --merge / -m [lib,cpu,tid,tgid,unitmask,all] Merge any profiles separated in a --separate session. --include-symbols / -i [symbols] Only include symbols in the given comma-separated list. --objdump-params [params] Pass the given parameters as extra values when calling objdump. If more than one option is to be passed to objdump, the parameters must be enclosed in a quoted string. An example of where this option is useful is when your toolchain does not automatically recognize instructions that are specific to your processor. For example, on IBM POWER7/RHEL 6, objdump must be told that a binary file may have POWER7-specific instructions. The opannotate option to show the POWER7-specific instructions is: --objdump-params=-Mpower7 The opannotate option to show the POWER7-specific instructions, the source code (--source) and the line numbers (-l) would be: --objdump-params="-Mpower7 -l --source" --output-dir / -o [dir] Output directory. This makes opannotate output one annotated file for each source file. This option can't be used in conjunction with --assembly. --search-dirs / -d [paths] Comma-separated list of paths to search for source files. You may need to use this option when the debug information for an image contains relative paths. --base-dirs / -b [paths] Comma-separated list of paths to strip from debug source files, prior to looking for them in --search-dirs. --session-dir=dir_path Use sample database from the specified directory dir_path instead of the default locations. If --session-dir is not specified, then opannotate will search for samples in <current_dir>/oprofile_data first. If that directory does not exist, the standard session-dir of /var/lib/oprofile is used. --source / -s Output annotated source. This requires debugging information to be available for the binaries. --threshold / -t [percentage] Only output data for symbols that have more than the given percentage of total samples. --verbose / -V [options] Give verbose debugging output. --version / -v Show version. ENVIRONMENT
No special environment variables are recognised by opannotate. FILES
<current_dir>/oprofile_data/samples Or /var/lib/oprofile/samples/ The location of the generated sample files. VERSION
This man page is current for oprofile-0.9.9. SEE ALSO
/usr/share/doc/oprofile/, oprofile(1) 4th Berkeley Distribution Tue 10 June 2014 OPANNOTATE(1)
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