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okular(1) [centos man page]

OKULAR(1)							 KDE User's Manual							 OKULAR(1)

okular - a universal document viewer SYNOPSIS
okular [Qt-options] [KDE-options] [Okular options] [URL] DESCRIPTION
okular is aimed to show documents in different formats. GENERIC OPTIONS
--help Show help about options. --help-qt Show Qt specific options. --help-kde Show KDE specific options. --help-all Show all options. --author Show author information. -v, --version Show version information. --license Show license information. -- End of options. OKULAR OPTIONS
-p, --page number Open a given page in the document. --presentation Start the document in presentation mode. --unique Unique instance control. ARGUMENTS
URL An address of the document to be opened. For PDF, can be given as document_name#named_destination where named_destination is a particular named destination embedded in the document. FEEDBACK
On IRC, #okular or via email, or on the web, <> SEE ALSO
More detailed user documentation is available from help:/okular (either enter this URL into Konqueror, or run khelpcenter help:/okular). COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) 2002 Wilco Greven, Christophe Devriese Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Enrico Ros Copyright (c) 2005 Piotr Szymanski Copyright (c) 2004-2012 Albert Astals Cid Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Pino Toscano License: GNU General Public Version 2 <> AUTHOR
Yuri Chornoivan <> Okular man page. K Desktop Environment 2012-11-20 OKULAR(1)

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KROSS(1)							 KDE User's Manual							  KROSS(1)

kross - KDE application to run kross scripts. SYNOPSIS
kross [--help] [Generic-options] [Qt-options] [KDE-options] [file ...] DESCRIPTION
kross executes kross scripts written in KDE Javascript, Python, Ruby, Java and Falcon. GENERIC OPTIONS
--author Show author information. --help Show help about options. --help-all Show all options. --help-kde Show KDE specific options. --help-qt Show Qt specific options. --license Show license information. -v--version Show version information APPLICATION OPTIONS
file... The files with the scripts to run. USAGE
krossfile runs the script in file after loading the interpreter plugin for the script language (detected by filename suffix). To interpret other languages than KDE Javascript, kdebindings must be installed. SEE ALSO
kdeoptions(7), qtoptions(7), python(1), ruby(1), kjs(1), java(1), falcon(1) Look at for more information and tutorials. BUGS
There are probably tons of bugs. Use[1] to report them. AUTHOR
Sebastian Sauer <> Author. NOTES
1. 0.01.01 2008-10-22 KROSS(1)
Man Page

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