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mutter(1) [centos man page]

MUTTER(1)						      General Commands Manual							 MUTTER(1)

MUTTER - Clutter based compositing GTK2 Window Manager SYNOPSIS
mutter [--display=DISPLAY] [--replace] [--sm-client-id=ID] [--sm-disable] [--sm-save-file=FILENAME] [--version] [--help] DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly mutter. mutter is a minimal X window manager aimed at nontechnical users and is designed to integrate well with the GNOME desktop. mutter lacks some features that may be expected by traditional UNIX or other technical users; these users may want to investigate other available window managers for use with GNOME or standalone. OPTIONS
--display=DISPLAY Connect to X display DISPLAY. --replace a window manager which is running is replaced by mutter. Users are encouraged to change the GNOME window manager by running the new WM with the --replace or -replace option, and subsequently saving the session. --sm-client-id=ID Specify a session management ID. --sm-disable Disable the session management. --sm-save-file=FILENAME Load a session from FILENAME. --version Print the version number. -?, --help Show summary of options. CONFIGURATION
mutter configuration can be found under Preferences->Windows and Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts on the menu-panel. Advanced configuration can be achieved directly through gsettings. SEE ALSO
mutter-message(1) AUTHOR
The original manual page was written by Thom May <>. It was updated by Akira TAGOH <> for the Debian GNU/Linux system (with permission to use by others), and then updated by Luke Morton and Philip O'Brien for inclusion in mutter. 11 February 2006 MUTTER(1)

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MUTTER(1)						      General Commands Manual							 MUTTER(1)

MUTTER - Clutter based compositing GTK2 Window Manager SYNOPSIS
mutter [--display=DISPLAY] [--replace] [--sm-client-id=ID] [--sm-disable] [--sm-save-file=FILENAME] [--version] [--help] DESCRIPTION
This manual page documents briefly mutter. mutter is a minimal X window manager aimed at nontechnical users and is designed to integrate well with the GNOME desktop. mutter lacks some features that may be expected by traditional UNIX or other technical users; these users may want to investigate other available window managers for use with GNOME or standalone. OPTIONS
--display=DISPLAY Connect to X display DISPLAY. --replace a window manager which is running is replaced by mutter. Users are encouraged to change the GNOME window manager by running the new WM with the --replace or -replace option, and subsequently saving the session. --sm-client-id=ID Specify a session management ID. --sm-disable Disable the session management. --sm-save-file=FILENAME Load a session from FILENAME. --version Print the version number. -?, --help Show summary of options. CONFIGURATION
mutter configuration can be found under Preferences->Windows and Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts on the menu-panel. Advanced configuration can be achieved directly through gsettings. SEE ALSO
mutter-message(1) AUTHOR
The original manual page was written by Thom May <>. It was updated by Akira TAGOH <> for the Debian GNU/Linux system (with permission to use by others), and then updated by Luke Morton and Philip O'Brien for inclusion in mutter. 11 February 2006 MUTTER(1)
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