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mmd(1) [centos man page]

mmd(1)							      General Commands Manual							    mmd(1)

       mmd - make an MSDOS subdirectory

Note of warning
       This  manpage  has been automatically generated from mtools's texinfo documentation, and may not be entirely accurate or complete.  See the
       end of this man page for details.

       The mmd command is used to make an MS-DOS subdirectory. Its syntax is:

       mmd [-D clash_option] msdosdirectory [ msdosdirectories... ]

       Mmd makes a new directory on an MS-DOS file system. An error occurs if the directory already exists.

See Also
       Mtools' texinfo doc

Viewing the texi doc
       This manpage has been automatically generated from mtools's texinfo documentation. However, this process is only  approximative,  and  some
       items, such as crossreferences, footnotes and indices are lost in this translation process.  Indeed, these items have no appropriate repre-
       sentation in the manpage format.  Moreover, not all information has been translated into the manpage version.  Thus I strongly  advise  you
       to use the original texinfo doc.  See the end of this manpage for instructions how to view the texinfo doc.

       *      To generate a printable copy from the texinfo doc, run the following commands:

		     ./configure; make dvi; dvips mtools.dvi

       *      To generate a html copy,	run:

		     ./configure; make html

       A premade html can be found at `'

       *      To generate an info copy (browsable using emacs' info mode), run:

		     ./configure; make info

       The  texinfo  doc looks most pretty when printed or as html.  Indeed, in the info version certain examples are difficult to read due to the
       quoting conventions used in info.

mtools-4.0.18							      09Jan13								    mmd(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

mrd(1)							      General Commands Manual							    mrd(1)

       mrd - remove an MSDOS subdirectory

Note of warning
       This  manpage  has been automatically generated from mtools's texinfo documentation, and may not be entirely accurate or complete.  See the
       end of this man page for details.

       The mrd command is used to remove an MS-DOS subdirectory. Its syntax is:

       mrd [-v] msdosdirectory [ msdosdirectories... ]

       Mrd removes a directory from an MS-DOS file system. An error occurs if the directory does not exist or is not empty.

See Also
       Mtools' texinfo doc

Viewing the texi doc
       This manpage has been automatically generated from mtools's texinfo documentation. However, this process is only  approximative,  and  some
       items, such as crossreferences, footnotes and indices are lost in this translation process.  Indeed, these items have no appropriate repre-
       sentation in the manpage format.  Moreover, not all information has been translated into the manpage version.  Thus I strongly  advise  you
       to use the original texinfo doc.  See the end of this manpage for instructions how to view the texinfo doc.

       *      To generate a printable copy from the texinfo doc, run the following commands:

		     ./configure; make dvi; dvips mtools.dvi

       *      To generate a html copy,	run:

		     ./configure; make html

       A premade html can be found at `'

       *      To generate an info copy (browsable using emacs' info mode), run:

		     ./configure; make info

       The  texinfo  doc looks most pretty when printed or as html.  Indeed, in the info version certain examples are difficult to read due to the
       quoting conventions used in info.

mtools-4.0.13							      28Feb10								    mrd(1)
Man Page

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