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ltdbtool(1) [centos man page]

LTDBTOOL(1)						   CTDB - clustered TDB database					       LTDBTOOL(1)

ltdbtool - manipulate CTDB's local TDB files SYNOPSIS
ltdbtool is a utility to manipulate CTDB's local TDB databases (LTDBs) without connecting to a CTDB daemon. It can be used to: o dump the contents of a LTDB, optionally printing the CTDB record header information, o convert between an LTDB and a non-clustered tdb by adding or removing CTDB headers and o convert between 64 and 32 bit LTDBs where the CTDB record headers differ by 4 bytes of padding. OPTIONS
-e Dump empty records. These are normally excluded. -p Dump with header information, similar to "ctdb catdb". -s {0 | 32 | 64} Specify how to determine the CTDB record header size for the input database: 0 no CTDB header 32 CTDB header size of a 32 bit system (20 bytes) 64 CTDB header size of a 64 bit system (24 bytes) The default is 32 or 64 depending on the system architecture. -o {0 | 32 | 64} Specify how to determine the CTDB record header size for the output database, see -s. -S SIZE Explicitly specify the CTDB record header SIZE of the input database in bytes. -O SIZE Explicitly specify the CTDB record header SIZE for the output database in bytes. -h Print help text. COMMANDS
help Print help text. dump IDB Dump the contents of an LTDB input file IDB to standard output in a human-readable format. convert IDB ODB Copy an LTDB input file IDB to output file ODB, optionally adding or removing CTDB headers. EXAMPLES
Print a local tdb in "tdbdump" style: ltdbtool dump idmap2.tdb.0 Print a local tdb with header information similar to "ctdb catdb": ltdbtool dump -p idmap2.tdb.0 Strip the CTDB headers from records: ltdbtool convert -o0 idmap2.tdb.0 idmap.tdb Strip 64 bit CTDB headers from records, running on i386: ltdbtool convert -s64 -o0 idmap2.tdb.0 idmap.tdb Strip the CTDB headers from records by piping through tdbrestore: ltdbtool dump idmap2.tdb.0 | tdbrestore idmap.tdb Convert a local tdb from a 64 bit system for usage on a 32 bit system: ltdbtool convert -s64 -o32 idmap2.tdb.0 idmap2.tdb.1 Add a default header: ltdbtool convert -s0 idmap.tdb idmap2.tdb.0 SEE ALSO
ctdb(1), tdbdump(1), tdbrestore(1), ctdb(7), AUTHOR
This documentation was written by Gregor Beck COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2011 Gregor Beck, Michael Adam This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see ctdb 11/27/2013 LTDBTOOL(1)

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LTDBTOOL(1)															       LTDBTOOL(1)

ltdbtool - handle ctdb's local tdb copies SYNOPSIS
ltdbtool is a utility to cope with ctdb's local tdb copies (LTDBs) without connecting to a ctdb daemon. It can be used to o dump the contents of a LTDB, optionally printing the ctdb record header information, o convert between an LTDB and a non-clustered tdb by adding or removing ctdb headers and o convert between 64 and 32 bit LTDBs where the ctdb record headers differ by 4 bytes of padding. COMMANDS
help Print a help text. dump <IDB> Dump the contents of a LTDB file to standard output in a human-readable format. convert <IDB> <ODB> Make a copy of a LTDB optionally adding or removing ctdb headers. OPTIONS
-p Dump with header information, similar to "ctdb catdb". -s {0|32|64} Specify how to determine the ctdb record header size for the input database: 0 no ctdb header 32 ctdb header size of a 32 bit system (20 bytes) 64 ctdb header size of a 64 bit system (24 bytes) The default is 32 or 64 depending on the system architecture. -o {0|32|64} Specify how to determine the ctdb record header size for the output database, see -s -S <SIZE> Explicitly specify the ctdb record header size of the input database in bytes. -O <SIZE> Explicitly specify the ctdb record header size for the output database in bytes. -h Print a help text. EXAMPLES
Print a local tdb in "tdbdump" style: ltdbtool dump idmap2.tdb.0 Print a local tdb with header information similar to "ctdb catdb": ltdbtool dump -p idmap2.tdb.0 Strip the ctdb headers from records: ltdbtool convert -o0 idmap2.tdb.0 idmap.tdb Strip 64 bit ctdb headers from records, running on i386: ltdbtool convert -s64 -o0 idmap2.tdb.0 idmap.tdb Strip the ctdb headers from records by piping through tdbrestore: ltdbtool dump idmap2.tdb.0 | tdbrestore idmap.tdb Convert a local tdb from a 64 bit system for usage on a 32 bit system: ltdbtool convert -s64 -o32 idmap2.tdb.0 idmap2.tdb.1 Add a default header: ltdbtool convert -s0 idmap.tdb idmap2.tdb.0 SEE ALSO
ctdbd(1), ctdb(1), tdbdump(1), tdbrestore(1), COPYRIGHT
/LICENSE Copyright (C) Gregor Beck 2011 Copyright (C) Michael Adam 2011 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, see 05/04/2011 LTDBTOOL(1)
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