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look(1) [centos man page]

LOOK(1) 							   User Commands							   LOOK(1)

look - display lines beginning with a given string SYNOPSIS
look [options] string [file] DESCRIPTION
The look utility displays any lines in file which contain string. As look performs a binary search, the lines in file must be sorted (where sort(1) got the same options -d and/or -f that look is invoked with). If file is not specified, the file /usr/share/dict/words is used, only alphanumeric characters are compared and the case of alphabetic characters is ignored. OPTIONS
-a, --alternative Use the alternative dictionary file. -d, --alphanum Use normal dictionary character set and order, i.e. only alphanumeric characters are compared. (This is on by default if no file is specified.) -f, --ignore-case Ignore the case of alphabetic characters. (This is on by default if no file is specified.) -t, --terminate character Specify a string termination character, i.e. only the characters in string up to and including the first occurrence of character are compared. -h, --help Display help text and exit. -V, --version Output version information and exit. The look utility exits 0 if one or more lines were found and displayed, 1 if no lines were found, and >1 if an error occurred. EXAMPLE
sort -d /etc/passwd -o /tmp/look.dict look -t: root:foobar /tmp/look.dict FILES
/usr/share/dict/words the dictionary /usr/share/dict/web2 the alternative dictionary SEE ALSO
grep(1), sort(1) COMPATIBILITY
The original manual page stated that tabs and blank characters participated in comparisons when the alphanum option was specified. This was incorrect, and the current man page matches the historic implementation. HISTORY
The look utility appeared in Version 7 AT&T Unix. AVAILABILITY
The look command is part of the util-linux package and is available from util-linux June 2011 LOOK(1)

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AN(6)								   Games Manual 							     AN(6)

an - Anagram generator SYNOPSIS
an [-w] [-c string] [-d dictionary] [-l number_words] [-m word_length] [-u string] [-n number_anagrams] [-h] [-v] [--words] [--contain string] [--dict dictionary] [--length number_words] [--minimum word_length] [--used string] [--number number_anagrams] [--help] [--ver- sion] PHRASE DESCRIPTION
an finds all anagrams which can be made from the letters in PHRASE, using words in the specified dictionary. The default is to use /usr/share/dict/words. OPTIONS
-w, --words Print words that the letters in PHRASE can make, then exit. -c, --contain string Only print anagrams which contain string. -d, --dict dictionary Use dictionary file to find words which the letters in PHRASE can make. -m, --minimum word_length Only include word which are at least word_length long. -u, --used string Considers that letters in string have already used when analyzing letters in PHRASE. Like --contain but doesn't print out string. -l, --length number_words Finds anagrams which have a maximum of number_words words in them. This is very useful when number of anagrams which are output is large. -n, --number number_anagrams Stops after finding number_anagrams anagrams. -h, --help Print a usage message on standard output, then exit. -v, --version Print version information on standard output, then exit. EXAMPLE
an -c imp 'Paul Martin' Finds anagrams for Paul Martin which contain the word imp. AUTHOR
Paul Martin <> THANKS
Richard Jones ( - Coding and algorithm design of original version. Julian Assange ( - Algorithm design of original version. Please note that the email addresses for Richard and Julian are from over ten years ago and probably no longer work. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (c) Paul Martin 2012. All rights reserved. AN(6)
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