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gsettings-data-convert(1) [centos man page]

GSETTINGS-DATA-CON(1)						   User Commands					     GSETTINGS-DATA-CON(1)

gsettings-data-convert - GConf to GSettings data migration SYNOPSIS
gsettings-data-convert [option...] DESCRIPTION
gsettings-data-convert reads values out of the users GConf database and stores them in GSettings. The information about the mapping from GConf keys to GSettings keys is taken from files in /usr/share/GConf/gsettings. Each file in that directory is read as a key file, with sections for each GSettings schema that is being converted. The entries in each section map GSettings keys to paths in the GConf database. Currently, gsettings-data-convert supports all basic GConf types as well as lists of strings and lists of integers. A simple example might look like this: [org.gnome.fonts] antialiasing = /desktop/gnome/font_rendering/antialiasing dpi = /desktop/gnome/font_rendering/dpi hinting = /desktop/gnome/font_rendering/hinting rgba_order = /desktop/gnome/font_rendering/rgba_order If the GSettings schema does not have a fixed path, you must specify the path in the group name, separated by a colon character: [org.gnome.fonts:/desktop/gnome/font-rendering/] gsettings-data-convert keeps a list of the key files it has already converted, so it is safe to run it repeatedly to handle newly appeared key files. The expected use of this utility is to make each application install a key file for the GConf keys that it wants to be migrated, and run gsettings-data-convert every time a user logs in. Options -h, --help Print help and exit --dry-run Do not make any changes, just report what would be done --verbose Show verbose messages SEE ALSO
gsettings-schema-convert(1) is a related command that helps with the conversion of schemas from GConf to GSettings. User Commands 01/21/2013 GSETTINGS-DATA-CON(1)

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GSETTINGS(1)							   User Commands						      GSETTINGS(1)

gsettings - GSettings configuration tool SYNOPSIS
gsettings get SCHEMA [:PATH] KEY gsettings monitor SCHEMA [:PATH] [KEY] gsettings writable SCHEMA [:PATH] KEY gsettings range SCHEMA [:PATH] KEY gsettings set SCHEMA [:PATH] KEY VALUE gsettings reset SCHEMA [:PATH] KEY gsettings reset-recursively SCHEMA [:PATH] gsettings list-schemas gsettings list-relocatable-schemas gsettings list-keys SCHEMA [:PATH] gsettings list-children SCHEMA [:PATH] gsettings list-recursively [SCHEMA [:PATH]] gsettings help [COMMAND] DESCRIPTION
gsettings offers a simple commandline interface to GSettings. It lets you get, set or monitor an individual key for changes. The SCHEMA and KEY arguments are required for most commands to specify the schema id and the name of the key to operate on. The schema id may optionally have a :PATH suffix. Specifying the path is only needed if the schema does not have a fixed path. When setting a key, you also need specify a VALUE The format for the value is that of a serialized GVariant, so e.g. a string must include explicit quotes: "'foo'". This format is also used when printing out values. COMMANDS
get Gets the value of KEY. The value is printed out as a serialised GVariant. monitor Monitors KEY for changes and prints the changed values. If no KEY is specified, all keys in the schema are monitored. Monitoring will continue until the process is terminated. writable Finds out whether KEY is writable. range Queries the range of valid values for KEY. set Sets the value of KEY to VALUE. The value is specified as a serialised GVariant. reset Resets KEY to its default value. reset-recursively Reset all keys under the given SCHEMA. list-schemas Lists the installed, non-relocatable schemas. See list-relocatable-schemas if you are interested in relocatable schemas. list-relocatable-schemas Lists the installed, relocatable schemas. See list-schemas if you are interested in non-relocatable schemas. list-keys Lists the keys in SCHEMA. list-children Lists the children of SCHEMA. list-recursively Lists keys and values, recursively. If no SCHEMA is given, list keys in all schemas. help Prints help and exits. GIO
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