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git-unpack-objects(1) [centos man page]

GIT-UNPACK-OBJECTS(1)						    Git Manual						     GIT-UNPACK-OBJECTS(1)

git-unpack-objects - Unpack objects from a packed archive SYNOPSIS
git unpack-objects [-n] [-q] [-r] [--strict] <pack-file DESCRIPTION
Read a packed archive (.pack) from the standard input, expanding the objects contained within and writing them into the repository in "loose" (one object per file) format. Objects that already exist in the repository will not be unpacked from the pack-file. Therefore, nothing will be unpacked if you use this command on a pack-file that exists within the target repository. See git-repack(1) for options to generate new packs and replace existing ones. OPTIONS
-n Dry run. Check the pack file without actually unpacking the objects. -q The command usually shows percentage progress. This flag suppresses it. -r When unpacking a corrupt packfile, the command dies at the first corruption. This flag tells it to keep going and make the best effort to recover as many objects as possible. --strict Don't write objects with broken content or links. GIT
Part of the git(1) suite Git 06/10/2014 GIT-UNPACK-OBJECTS(1)

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GIT-UNPACK-OBJECTS(1)						    Git Manual						     GIT-UNPACK-OBJECTS(1)

git-unpack-objects - Unpack objects from a packed archive SYNOPSIS
git unpack-objects [-n] [-q] [-r] [--strict] <pack-file DESCRIPTION
Read a packed archive (.pack) from the standard input, expanding the objects contained within and writing them into the repository in "loose" (one object per file) format. Objects that already exist in the repository will not be unpacked from the pack-file. Therefore, nothing will be unpacked if you use this command on a pack-file that exists within the target repository. See git-repack(1) for options to generate new packs and replace existing ones. OPTIONS
-n Dry run. Check the pack file without actually unpacking the objects. -q The command usually shows percentage progress. This flag suppresses it. -r When unpacking a corrupt packfile, the command dies at the first corruption. This flag tells it to keep going and make the best effort to recover as many objects as possible. --strict Don't write objects with broken content or links. GIT
Part of the git(1) suite Git 11/24/2012 GIT-UNPACK-OBJECTS(1)
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