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getcert-stop-tracking(1) [centos man page]

certmonger(1)						      General Commands Manual						     certmonger(1)

getcert SYNOPSIS
getcert stop-tracking [options] DESCRIPTION
Tells certmonger to stop monitoring or attempting to obtain or refresh a certificate. TRACKING OPTIONS
-i NAME The certificate was tracked using the request with the specified nickname. If this option is not specified, some combination of -d and -n or -f can be used to specify which certificate should henceforth be forgotten. KEY AND CERTIFICATE STORAGE OPTIONS
-d DIR The certificate is the one stored in the specified NSS database. -n NAME The certificate is the one which has this nickname. Only valid with -d. -t TOKEN If the NSS database has more than one token available, the certificate is stored in this token. This argument only rarely needs to be specified. Only valid with -d. -f FILE The certificate is or was to be stored in this file. -k FILE The private key is or was to be stored in this file. Only valid with -f. OTHER OPTIONS
-v Be verbose about errors. Normally, the details of an error received from the daemon will be suppressed if the client can make a diagnostic suggestion. BUGS
Please file tickets for any that you find at SEE ALSO
certmonger(8) getcert(1) getcert-list(1) getcert-list-cas(1) getcert-request(1) getcert-resubmit(1) getcert-start-tracking(1) certmonger- certmaster-submit(8) certmonger-ipa-submit(8) certmonger_selinux(8) certmonger Manual 3 November 2009 certmonger(1)

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certmonger(1)						      General Commands Manual						     certmonger(1)

getcert SYNOPSIS
getcert start-tracking [options] DESCRIPTION
Tells certmonger to monitor an already-issued certificate. Optionally, when the certificate nears expiration, use an existing key pair (or to generate one if one is not already found in the specified location), to generate a signing request using the key pair and to submit them for signing to a CA. SPECIFYING EXISTING REQUESTS
-i NAME Modify the request which has this nickname. If this option is not specified, and a tracking entry which matches the key and cer- tificate storage options which are specified already exists, that entry will be modified. Otherwise, a new tracking entry will be added. KEY AND CERTIFICATE STORAGE OPTIONS
-d DIR Use an NSS database in the specified directory for reading this certificate and, if possible, the corresponding key. -n NAME Use the certificate with this nickname, and if a private key with the same nickname or which corresponds to the certificate is available, to use it, too. Only valid with -d. -t TOKEN If the NSS database has more than one token available, use the token with this name for accessing the certificate and key. This argument only rarely needs to be specified. Only valid with -d. -f FILE Read the certificate from this file. For safety's sake, do not use the same file specified with the -k option. -k FILE Use the key stored in this file to generate a signing request for refreshing the certificate. If no such file is found when needed, generate a new key pair and store them in the file. Only valid with -f. KEY ENCRYPTION OPTIONS
-p FILE The private key files or databases are encrypted using the PIN stored in the named file as the passphrase. -P PIN The private key files or databases are encrypted using the specified PIN as the passphrase. Because command-line arguments to run- ning processes are trivially discoverable, use of this option is not recommended except for testing. TRACKING OPTIONS
-I NAME Assign the specified nickname to this task. If this option is not specified, a name will be assigned automatically. -r Attempt to obtain a new certificate from the CA when the expiration date of a certificate nears. This is the default setting. -R Don't attempt to obtain a new certificate from the CA when the expiration date of a certificate nears. If this option is specified, an expired certificate will simply stay expired. ENROLLMENT OPTIONS
-c NAME Enroll with the specified CA rather than a possible default. The name of the CA should correspond to one listed by getcert list- cas. Only useful in combination with -r. SIGNING REQUEST OPTIONS
If and when certmonger attempts to obtain a new certificate to replace the one being monitored, the values to be added to the signing request will be taken from the current certificate, unless preferred values are set using one or more of -U, -K, -E, and -D. -U EKU Add an extensionRequest for the specified extendedKeyUsage to the signing request. The EKU value is expected to be an object iden- tifier (OID). -K NAME Add an extensionRequest for a subjectAltName, with the specified Kerberos principal name as its value, to the signing request. -E EMAIL Add an extensionRequest for a subjectAltName, with the specified email address as its value, to the signing request. -D DNSNAME Add an extensionRequest for a subjectAltName, with the specified DNS name as its value, to the signing request. OTHER OPTIONS
-B command When ever the certificate is saved to the specified location, run the specified command as the client user before saving the cer- tificate. -C command When ever the certificate is saved to the specified location, run the specified command as the client user after saving the certifi- cate. -v Be verbose about errors. Normally, the details of an error received from the daemon will be suppressed if the client can make a diagnostic suggestion. BUGS
Please file tickets for any that you find at SEE ALSO
certmonger(8) getcert(1) getcert-list(1) getcert-list-cas(1) getcert-request(1) getcert-resubmit(1) getcert-stop-tracking(1) certmonger- certmaster-submit(8) certmonger-ipa-submit(8) certmonger Manual 14 June 2012 certmonger(1)
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