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getcert(1) [centos man page]

certmonger(1)						      General Commands Manual						     certmonger(1)

getcert SYNOPSIS
getcert request [options] getcert resubmit [options] getcert start-tracking [options] getcert stop-tracking [options] getcert list [options] getcert list-cas [options] DESCRIPTION
The getcert tool issues requests to a org.fedorahosted.certmonger service on behalf of the invoking user. It can ask the service to begin enrollment, optionally generating a key pair to use, it can ask the service to begin monitoring a certificate in a specified location for expiration, and optionally to refresh it when expiration nears, it can list the set of certificates that the service is already monitoring, or it can list the set of CAs that the service is capable of using. If no command is given as the first command-line argument, getcert will print short usage information for each of its functions. COMMON ARGUMENTS
All commands can take either the -s or -S arguments, which instruct getcert to contact the org.fedorahosted.certmonger service on the ses- sion or system bus, respectively. By default, getcert consults the org.fedorahosted.certmonger service attached to the system bus. BUGS
Please file tickets for any that you find at SEE ALSO
certmonger(8) getcert-list(1) getcert-list-cas(1) getcert-request(1) getcert-resubmit(1) getcert-start-tracking(1) getcert-stop-tracking(1) certmonger-certmaster-submit(8) certmonger-ipa-submit(8) certmonger_selinux(8) certmonger Manual 3 November 2009 certmonger(1)

Check Out this Related Man Page

certmonger(8)						      System Manager's Manual						     certmonger(8)

certmaster-submit SYNOPSIS
certmaster-submit [-h serverHost] [-c cafile] [-C capath] [csrfile] DESCRIPTION
certmaster-submit is the helper which certmonger uses to make requests to certmaster-based CAs. It is not normally run interactively, but it can be for troubleshooting purposes. The signing request which is to be submitted should either be in a file whose name is given as an argument, or fed into certmaster-submit via stdin. OPTIONS
-h serverHost Submit the request to the certmaster instance running on the named host. The default is localhost:51235 if a file named /var/run/ is found on the local system, and is read from /etc/certmaster/minion.conf if that file is not found. -c cafile Submit the request over HTTPS instead of HTTP, and only trust the server if its certificate was issued by the CA whose certificate is in the named file. -C capath Submit the request over HTTPS instead of HTTP, and only trust the server if its certificate was issued by a CA whose certificate is in a file in the named directory. EXIT STATUS
0 if the certificate was issued. The certificate will be printed. 1 if the CA is still thinking. A cookie value will be printed. 2 if the CA rejected the request. An error message may be printed. 3 if the CA was unreachable. An error message may be printed. 4 if critical configuration information is missing. An error message may be printed. FILES
/var/run/ the certmaster service's PID file. Its presence is taken to indicate that this system is a CA, and that requests should be submit- ted to a certmaster server running on the local system. /etc/certmaster/minion.conf the certmaster minion configuration file. If there is no indication that the local system is a certmaster server, then this file is consulted to determine the location of the certmaster server. KNOWN BUGS
Checking for the existence of certmaster's PID file is a terrible way to figure out whether we're a minion or not. BUGS
Please file tickets for any that you find at SEE ALSO
certmonger(8) getcert(1) getcert-list(1) getcert-list-cas(1) getcert-resubmit(1) getcert-start-tracking(1) getcert-stop-tracking(1) cert- monger-dogtag-ipa-renew-agent-submit(8) certmonger-ipa-submit(8) certmonger_selinux(8) certmonger Manual 7 June 2010 certmonger(8)
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