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gdk-pixbuf-csource(1) [centos man page]

GDK-PIXBUF-CSOURCE(1)						   User Commands					     GDK-PIXBUF-CSOURCE(1)

gdk-pixbuf-csource - C code generation utility for GdkPixbuf images SYNOPSIS
gdk-pixbuf-csource [OPTION...] [IMAGE] gdk-pixbuf-csource [OPTION...] --build-list [[NAME] [IMAGE]...] DESCRIPTION
gdk-pixbuf-csource is a small utility that generates C code containing images, useful for compiling images directly into programs. gdk-pixbuf-csource either takes as input one image file name to generate code for, or, using the --build-list option, a list of (name, image) pairs to generate code for a list of images into named variables. OPTIONS
--stream Generate pixbuf data stream (a single string containing a serialized GdkPixdata structure in network byte order). --struct Generate GdkPixdata structure (needs the GdkPixdata structure definition from gdk-pixdata.h). --macros Generate *_ROWSTRIDE, *_WIDTH, *_HEIGHT, *_BYTES_PER_PIXEL and *_RLE_PIXEL_DATA or *_PIXEL_DATA macro definitions for the image. --rle Enables run-length encoding for the generated pixel data (default). --raw Disables run-length encoding for the generated pixel data. --extern Generate extern symbols. --static Generate static symbols (default). --decoder Provide a *_RUN_LENGTH_DECODE(image_buf, rle_data, size, bpp) macro definition to decode run-length encoded image data. --name=identifier Specifies the identifier name (prefix) for the generated variables or macros (useful only if --build-list was not specified). --build-list Enables (name, image) pair parsing mode. -h, --help Print brief help and exit. -v, --version Print version and exit. --g-fatal-warnings Make warnings fatal (causes the program to abort). SEE ALSO
The GdkPixbuf documentation, shipped with the Gtk+ distribution, available from[1]. BUGS
The runlength encoder gets out of sync with the pixel boundaries, since it includes the rowstride padding in the encoded stream. Furthermore, it generates pixbufs with suboptimal rowstride in some cases. NOTES
1. gdk-pixbuf GDK-PIXBUF-CSOURCE(1)

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GDK-PIXBUF-CSOURCE(1)						  [FIXME: manual]					     GDK-PIXBUF-CSOURCE(1)

gdk-pixbuf-csource - C code generation utility for GdkPixbuf images SYNOPSIS
gdk-pixbuf-csource [options] [image] gdk-pixbuf-csource [options] --build-list [[name] [image]...] DESCRIPTION
gdk-pixbuf-csource is a small utility that generates C code containing images, useful for compiling images directly into programs. INVOCATION
gdk-pixbuf-csource either takes as input one image file name to generate code for, or, using the --build-list option, a list of (name, image) pairs to generate code for a list of images into named variables. Options --stream Generate pixbuf data stream (a single string containing a serialized GdkPixdata structure in network byte order). --struct Generate GdkPixdata structure (needs the GdkPixdata structure definition from gdk-pixdata.h). --macros Generate *_ROWSTRIDE, *_WIDTH, *_HEIGHT, *_BYTES_PER_PIXEL and *_RLE_PIXEL_DATA or *_PIXEL_DATA macro definitions for the image. --rle Enables run-length encoding for the generated pixel data (default). --raw Disables run-length encoding for the generated pixel data. --extern Generate extern symbols. --static Generate static symbols (default). --decoder Provide a *_RUN_LENGTH_DECODE(image_buf, rle_data, size, bpp) macro definition to decode run-length encoded image data. --name=identifier Specifies the identifier name (prefix) for the generated variables or macros (useful only if --build-list was not specified). --build-list Enables (name, image) pair parsing mode. -h, --help Print brief help and exit. -v, --version Print version and exit. --g-fatal-warnings Make warnings fatal (causes the program to abort). SEE ALSO
The GdkPixbuf documentation, shipped with the Gtk+ distribution, available from[1]. BUGS
The runlength encoder gets out of sync with the pixel boundaries, since it includes the rowstride padding in the encoded stream. Furthermore, it generates pixbufs with suboptimal rowstride in some cases. AUTHOR
gdk-pixbuf-csource was written by Tim Janik This manual page was provided by Tim Janik NOTES
1. [FIXME: source] 04/14/2012 GDK-PIXBUF-CSOURCE(1)
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