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ekiga(1) [centos man page]

Ekiga(1)							   Version 2.00 							  Ekiga(1)

Ekiga - SIP and H.323 Voice over IP and Videoconferencing for UN*X SYNOPSIS
ekiga [-d level] [-c URL] DESCRIPTION
Ekiga is a SIP and H.323 VoIP, IP Telephony and Video Conferencing application which complies to the SIP and H.323 protocols. It can con- nect to a variety of other SIP and H323 applications including specific hardware. Ekiga can work with or without a webcam, and is able to create pure audio communications or traditional audio+video communications. Ekiga was formerly known as GnomeMeeting. Ekiga has been designed for the GNOME desktop and therefore uses gconfd-2(1) for storing its userdata. It offers to configure almost every option from within the GUI. Command-line options include -d to turn on debugging during calls. -c to call another URL. OPTIONS
-d level turn on debugging (on the console), level should be between 1 and 4. -c URL Calls the given URL. Ekiga can be running or not when invoking that option. SIP, H.323 and CALLTO URLs are supported. FILES
/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/apps/ekiga/ The system wide configuration file. See gconf-config(1) for further details on gconf. (The actual place can differ depending on your system's configuration) ~/.gconf/apps/ekiga Per user configuration file. See gconf-config(1) for further details. ENVIRONMENT
On startup Ekiga reads the system-wide gconf schemas (like every other GNOME2 app should do) from /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/apps. Every modification of the gconf keys using the GUI, gconftool or gconf-editor is reflected in real-time by Ekiga. DOCUMENTATION
More documentation is available in the manual available through Ekiga's Help menu. There is also a FAQ at: GETTING HELP
Feel free to join #ekiga on (GIMPnet) or the ML at: after having read the FAQ at . AUTHOR
Damien Sandras <dsandras at seconix dot com> OTHER INFO
The webpage for Ekiga is at You can find info about Ekiga there and download the latest version. Either as packages for all major distributions or as sourcecode. Patched version of the libs are available, if necessary. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2000-2008 Damien Sandras This is free software licensed under the GPLv2; see the LICENSE file in the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SEE ALSO
gconf-config(1), gconfd-1(1), gconfd-2(1), gconftool-1(1), gconftool-2(1), gconfigger(1) Linux 10 January 2006 Ekiga(1)

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gnomemeeting(1) 						   Version 0.9x 						   gnomemeeting(1)

gnomemeeting - H323 Videoconferencing for UN*X SYNOPSIS
gnomemeeting [-d] DESCRIPTION
GnomeMeeting is a H.323 Video Conferencing application which uses the H.323 protocol (provided by the OpenH323 library). It can connect to a variety of other H323 applications including Microsoft NetMeeting. It also supports ILS (the Microsoft version of LDAP) and XDAP servers. GnomeMeeting can work with or without a webcam, and is able to create pure audio communications or traditionnal audio+video communications. GnomeMeeting has been designed for the GNOME desktop and therefore uses gconfd-2(1) for storing its userdata. It offers to configure almost every option from within the GUI. The only relevant command-line option is -d to turn on debugging during calls. OPTIONS
-d turn on debugging (on the console) FILES
/etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/apps/gnomemeeting/ The system wide configuration file. See gconf-config(1) for further details on gconf. (The actual place can differ depending on your system's configuration) ~/.gconf/apps/gnomemeeting Per user configuration file. See gconf-config(1) for further details. ENVIRONMENT
On startup GnomeMeeting reads the system-wide gconf schemas (like every other GNOME2 app should do) from /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults/apps. Every modification of the gconf keys using the GUI, gconftool or gconf-editor is reflected in real- time by GnomeMeeting. DIAGNOSTICS
The following diagnostics may occur: Please check your gconf settings and permissions, it seems that gconf is not properly setup on your system gconfd-1 is running and you're trying to start gnomemeeting > 0.91 which needs gconfd-2 -> kill gconfd-1 and try again your gconf-dir isn't set to mode 4755 -> set chmod -R 4755 /etc/gconf/gconf.xml.defaults More problems are described in greater detail in the FAQ and Mailinglist-archive (see BUGS and GETTING HELP). BUGS
Currently some users are still experiencing problems with gconf, as the gconf-utilization is newly introduced in GNOME2. Hopefully this will be solved once GNOME2 is shipped with all major distributions with working gconf setup. See bugzilla on to obtain the current list of bugs. GETTING HELP
Feel free to join #gnomemeeting on (GIMPnet) or the ML at: after having read the FAQ at . AUTHOR
Damien Sandras <dsandras at seconix dot com> CODE CONTRIBUTORS
Kenneth Rohde Christiansen <kenneth at gnu dot org>, Miguel Rodriguez Perez <migrax at terra dot es>, Paul <paul at argo dot dyndns dot org>, Roger Hardiman <roger at freebsd dot org> CONTRIBUTORS
Alex Larsson <alexl at redhat dot com>, Alp Toker <alp at>, Christian Rose <menthos at menthos dot com>, Christopher R. Gabriel <cgabriel at cgabriel dot org>, Fabrice Alphonso <fabrice.alphonso at>, Florin <florin at>, Kilian Krause <kk at verfaction dot de>, Rafael Pinilla <r_pinilla at yahoo dot com>, Sander Smeenk <ssmeenk at freshdot dot net>, Santiago Garcia Mantinan <manty at manty dot net>, Stefan Bruens <lurch at gmx dot li>, Vincent Deroo <crossdatabase at aol dot com>, and all the others who are not listed here, but do a great job on the IRC channel. OTHER INFO
The webpage for GnomeMeeting is at You can find info about GnomeMeeting there and download the latest ver- sion. Either as packages for all major distributions or as sourcecode. Patched version of the libs are available, if neccessary. CVS instructions are at COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2000-2002 Damien Sandras This is free software licensed under the GPLv2; see the LICENSE file in the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. SEE ALSO
gconf-config(1), gconfd-1(1), gconfd-2(1), gconftool-1(1), gconftool-2(1), gconfigger(1) OpenH323 and PWLib can be found at Linux 23 April 2002 gnomemeeting(1)
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