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edid-decode(1) [centos man page]

edid-decode(1)						      General Commands Manual						    edid-decode(1)

edid-decode - Decode EDID data in human-readable format SYNOPSIS
edid-decode [in] [out] DESCRIPTION
edid-decode decodes EDID monitor description data in human-readable format. It takes zero, one, or two arguments. If invoked with no arguments it reads from standard input and writes to standard output. With one argument, the file named by the argument is read instead. With two arguments, normal output is suppressed, and the binary EDID blob is written to the file named by the second argument. Input files may be raw binaries or ASCII text. ASCII input is scanned for hex dumps; heuristics are included to search for hexdumps in xrandr(1) property output and Xorg(1) log file formats, otherwise the data is treated as a raw hexdump. EDID blocks for connected monitors can be found in /sys/class/drm/*/edid on modern Linux systems with kernel modesetting support. NOTES
Not all fields are decoded, or decoded completely. Some fields' decoding may appear to corrupt the output (for example, detailed string sections have their contents printed literally). edid-decode does attempt to validate its input against the relevant standards, but its opinions have not been double-checked with the relevant standards bodies, so they may be wrong. Do not rely on the output format, as it will likely change in future versions of the tool as additional fields and extensions are added. SEE ALSO
Xorg(1), xrandr(1) AUTHORS
edid-decode was written by Adam Jackson, with contributions from Eric Anholt, Damien Lespiau, and others. For complete history and the latest version, see edid-decode(1)

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DDC(9)							   BSD Kernel Developer's Manual						    DDC(9)

ddc -- VESA Display Data Channel V2 SYNOPSIS
#include <dev/i2c/ddcvar.h> int ddc_read_edid(i2c_tag_t tag, uint8_t *dest, size_t len); DESCRIPTION
The ddc_read_edid() reads a VESA Extended Display Identification Data block (EDID) via VESA Display Data Channel (DDCv2). DDCv2 is a proto- col for data exchange between display devices (such as monitors and flat panels) and host machines using an I2C bus. The tag argument is a machine-dependent tag used to specify the I2C bus on which the DDCv2 device is located. The dest argument is a pointer to a buffer where the EDID data will be stored. The len argument is the amount of data to read into the buffer. (The buffer must be large enough.) Typically, this value will be 128, which is the size of a normal EDID data block. Normally the EDID data block will be post-processed with the edid_parse() function. RETURN VALUES
The ddc_read_edid() function returns zero on success, and non-zero otherwise. ENVIRONMENT
The ddc_read_edid() function is part of the ddc(4) driver, and is only included in the kernel if that driver is also included. EXAMPLES
The following code uses ddc_read_edid() to retrieve and print information about a monitor: struct edid_info info; i2c_tag_t tag; char buffer[128]; ... /* initialize i2c tag... */ ... if ((ddc_read_edid(tag, buffer, 128) == 0) && (edid_parse(buffer, &info) == 0)) edid_print(info); ... Note that this must be called before the PCI bus is attached during autoconfiguration. SEE ALSO
ddc(4), edid(9), iic(9) HISTORY
DDCv2 support was added in NetBSD 4.0. AUTHORS
Garrett D'Amore <> BSD
May 11, 2006 BSD
Man Page

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