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certwatch(1) [centos man page]

CERTWATCH(1)						      Cryptography Utilities						      CERTWATCH(1)

certwatch - generate SSL certificate expiry warnings SYNOPSIS
certwatch [OPTION...] filename DESCRIPTION
The certwatch program is used to issue warning mail when an SSL certificate is about to expire. The program has two modes of operation: normal mode and quiet mode. In normal mode, the certificate given by the filename argument is examined, and a warning email is issued to standard output if the certificate is outside its validity period, or approaching expiry. If the certificate cannot be found, or any errors occur whilst parsing the certificate, the certificate is ignored and no output is produced. In quiet mode, no output is given, but the exit status can still be used. The certificate can be specified by its nickname or by a path to the containing file. OPTIONS
--quiet, -q Enable quiet mode; no output is produced whether the certificate is expired or not --period days, -p days Specify the number of days within which an expiry warning will be produced; default is 30. Expiry warnings are always produced if, on the day of invocation, the certificate is not yet valid, has already expired, or is due to expire either that day or the following day. --address address, -a address Specify the address used in the To field of the warning e-mail issued if quiet mode is not enabled. The default is root. --directory cert-directory, -d cert-directory Specify the database directory containing the certificate and key database files. The default is yet to be determined. DIAGNOSTICS
The exit code indicates the state of the certificate: 0 The certificate is outside its validity period, or approaching expiry 1 The certificate is inside its validity period, or could not be parsed NOTES
The certwatch program is run daily by crond from the file /etc/cron.daily/certwatch to generate warning mail concerning the imminent expiry of SSL certificates configured for use in the Apache HTTP server. These warnings can be disabled by adding the line: NOCERTWATCH=yes to the file /etc/sysconfig/httpd. Additional options to pass to certwatch can be specified in that file in the CERTWATCH_OPTS environment variable. FILES
/etc/cron.daily/certwatch, /etc/sysconfig/httpd SEE ALSO
genkey(1) crypto-utils 2.4.1 9 June 2014 CERTWATCH(1)

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eurephiadm certs(7)													       eurephiadm certs(7)

eurephiadm-certs - Certificate management for eurephia DESCRIPTION
Available modes for the certificate command are: -A | --add Register a new certificate -D | --delete Delete a registered certificate -l | --list List all registered certificates -h | --help <mode> Help about a specific mode LIST MODE
The list mode will list all registered certificates. It accepts one parameter: -S | --sort <sort key> Decide the sort order of the certificate list Available sort keys are: certid Numeric certificate ID depth Certificate depth digest Certificate SHA1 digest cname Certificate Common Name field org Certificate organisation field email Certificate e-mail address field registered When the certificate was registered in eurephia. ADD MODE
The add mode will register a new certificate. -d | --depth Certificate depth, required. -D | --digest SHA1 fingerprint/digest of the new certificate -C | --common-name Common name (CN) field of the certificate -O | --organisation Organisation (O) field of the certificate -E | --email e-mail address (emailAddress) of the certificate Usually the certificate depth value needs to be 0, if you are registering user account certificates. CA certificates usually have a value bigger than 0. If you have the certificate file available, you can use the following options to retrieve the needed information directly from a certifi- cate file. -f | --certfile File name of the certificate file. -p | --pkcs12 If the file is in PKCS#12 format. The default format is PEM format, unless --pkcs12 is given. These two options cannot be used together with -D, -C, -O or -E. But the cer- tificate depth must be given to indicate the certificate depth. DELETE MODE
The delete mode will remove a certificate from the certificate database. -i | --certid Indicates a unique certificate ID -d | --digest A unique SHA1 fingerprint/digest value -C | --common-name Common Name (CN) field of a certificate -O | --organisation Organisation (O) field of a certificate -E | --email e-mail address (emailAddress) of a certificate You can use any of these parameters to indicate a search criteria for the certificate (or certificates) you want to delete. You will be provided with a list over certificates which matches your search criteria and you will need to approve the deletion of the matching cer- tificate(s). SEE ALSO
eurephiadm-users(7), eurephiadm-usercerts(7) AUTHOR
Copyright (C) 2008-2010 David Sommerseth <> David Sommerseth July 2010 eurephiadm certs(7)
Man Page