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cd-read(1) [centos man page]

CD-READ(1)							   User Commands							CD-READ(1)

cd-read - reads Information from a CD or CD-image SYNOPSIS
-a, --access-mode=STRING Set CD control access mode -m, --mode=MODE-TYPE set CD-ROM read mode (audio, auto, m1f1, m1f2, m2mf1, m2f2) -d, --debug=INT Set debugging to LEVEL -x, --hexdump Show output as a hex dump. The default is a hex dump when output goes to stdout and no hex dump when output is to a file. -j, --just-hex Don't display printable chars on hex dump. The default is print chars too. --no-header Don't display header and copyright (for regression testing) --no-hexdump Don't show output as a hex dump. -s, --start=INT Set LBA to start reading from -e, --end=INT Set LBA to end reading from -n, --number=INT Set number of sectors to read -b, --bin-file[=FILE] set "bin" CD-ROM disk image file as source -c, --cue-file[=FILE] set "cue" CD-ROM disk image file as source -i, --input[=FILE] set source and determine if "bin" image or device -C, --cdrom-device[=DEVICE] set CD-ROM device as source -N, --nrg-file[=FILE] set Nero CD-ROM disk image file as source -t, --toc-file[=FILE] set "TOC" CD-ROM disk image file as source -o, --output-file=FILE Output blocks to file rather than give a hexdump. -V, --version display version and copyright information and exit Help options: -?, --help Show this help message --usage Display brief usage message AUTHOR
Rocky Bernstein <> COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2003-2005, 2007-2008, 2011-2013 R. Bernstein This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICU- LAR PURPOSE. Have driver: GNU/Linux ioctl and MMC driver Have driver: cdrdao (TOC) disk image driver Have driver: bin/cuesheet disk image driver Have driver: Nero NRG disk image driver Default CD-ROM device: /dev/sr0 SEE ALSO
cd-info(1) for information about a CD; cd-drive(1) for CD-ROM characteristics; iso-read(1) for information about an ISO-9660 image. cd-read version 0.92 December 2013 CD-READ(1)

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VCDXBUILD(1)							   User Commands						      VCDXBUILD(1)

vcdxbuild - manual page for vcdxbuild 0.7.24 SYNOPSIS
vcdxbuild [OPTION...] <xml-control-file> DESCRIPTION
-i, --image-type=TYPE specify image type for output (default: 'bincue') -o, --image-option=KEY=VALUE specify image option -c, --cue-file=FILE specify cue file for output (default: 'videocd.cue') -b, --bin-file=FILE specify bin file for output (default: 'videocd.bin') --cdrdao-file=FILE specify cdrdao-style image filename base --sector-2336 use 2336 byte sectors for output -T, --create-time=STRING specify creation date on files in CD image (default: current date) -p, --progress show progress --dump-dtd dump internal DTD to stdout --filename-encoding=STRING use given charset encoding for filenames instead of UTF8 -v, --verbose be verbose -q, --quiet show only critical messages --gui enable GUI mode -V, --version display version and copyright information and exit Help options: -?, --help Show this help message --usage Display brief usage message AUTHOR
Written by Herbert Valerio Riedel and Rocky Bernstein. COPYRIGHT
Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Herbert Valerio Riedel <> 2003 Rocky Bernstein <> This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICU- LAR PURPOSE. SEE ALSO
The full documentation for vcdxbuild is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and vcdxbuild programs are properly installed at your site, the command info vcdxbuild should give you access to the complete manual. vcdxbuild 0.7.24 March 2011 VCDXBUILD(1)
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