ksh and .profile

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# 1  
Old 02-20-2008
ksh and .profile


I have the following in my .profile file:

    21          set -u
    22          trap "echo 'logout'" 0
    25          EDITOR=vi
    26          export EDITOR
    28          export ENV=x.tm

And x.tm just contains
echo hello world

I am in the c shell. I was under the impression that if I type ksh, then the .profile will get executed, and it will also execute x.tm. But I do not see hello world printed out.
In addition, if I manually do .profile, then I get

$ .profile
.profile[11]: setenv:  not found

Can anyone explain why this is so?

# 2  
Old 02-20-2008
On line 11 in your .profile file there is a setenv statement. That generates an error which forces the ksh shell to exit.
# 3  
Old 02-20-2008
Originally Posted by JamesByars

I am in the c shell. I was under the impression that if I type ksh, then the .profile will get executed, and it will also execute x.tm. But I do not see hello world printed out.

Doesn't work like that, if you default login is csh. At least it doesn't work for meSmilie
# 4  
Old 02-20-2008
Originally Posted by jim mcnamara
On line 11 in your .profile file there is a setenv statement. That generates an error which forces the ksh shell to exit.
no, this is my line 11:

     8          then
     9                  eval ` tset -s -Q -m ':?hp' `
    10          else
    11                  eval ` tset -s -Q `
    12          fi

But I think the shell is somehow looking at line 11 of uncommented lines, which seems to be the set -u. In any case, there is NO setenv!

# 5  
Old 02-20-2008
.profile is run automatically when you login with ksh as your login shell, not when you type ksh. You said that you were using csh. tset will notice that and output setenv statements for you. The backticks try to run the output from tset.
# 6  
Old 02-20-2008
Originally Posted by Perderabo
.profile is run automatically when you login with ksh as your login shell, not when you type ksh. You said that you were using csh. tset will notice that and output setenv statements for you. The backticks try to run the output from tset.
thanks for the reply, but I am still a little confused.

ok, so .profile is not executed when I type ksh and go to the korn shell. But I would have thought that if I then did .profile in the korn shell, it will at least run that script (which looks like below)

       if [ "$TERM" = "" ]
                eval ` tset -s -Q -m ':?hp' `
                eval ` tset -s -Q `
        stty erase "^H" kill "^U" intr "^C" eof "^D"


        set -u
        trap "echo 'logout'" 0

        export EDITOR

        export ENV=x.tm

However, I get:

$  . ./.profile
ksh: setenv:  not found

I just don't know where this setenv is coming from. It is not in my script!

# 7  
Old 02-20-2008
Notice that I said "tset will notice that and output setenv statements for you. The backticks try to run the output from tset." That is what is happening. What effect did expect from
eval ` tset -s -Q `

$ cat script1
#! /usr/bin/ksh
echo setenv this that
exit 0
$ cat script2
#! /usr/bin/ksh
eval `./script1`
exit 0
$ ./script1
setenv this that
$ ./script2
./script2: setenv: not found

script2 has no setenv statement either. But it is trying to run one.
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