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ddi_intr_free(9f) [bsd man page]

ddi_intr_alloc(9F)														ddi_intr_alloc(9F)

ddi_intr_alloc, ddi_intr_free - allocate or free interrupts for a given interrupt type SYNOPSIS
#include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/conf.h> #include <sys/ddi.h> #include <sys/sunddi.h> int ddi_intr_alloc(dev_info_t *dip, ddi_intr_handle_t *h_array, int type, int inum, int count, int *actualp, int behavior); int ddi_intr_free(ddi_intr_handle_t h); INTERFACE LEVEL
Solaris DDI specific (Solaris DDI). ddi_intr_alloc() dip Pointer to the dev_info structure h_array Pointer to an array of DDI interrupt handles type Interrupt type inum Interrupt number count Number of interrupts requested actualp Pointer to the number of interrupts actually allocated behavior Flag to determine the allocation algorithm ddi_intr_free() h DDI interrupt handle The ddi_intr_alloc() function allocates interrupts of the interrupt type given by the type argument beginning at the interrupt number inum. If ddi_intr_alloc() allocates any interrupts, it returns the actual number of interrupts allocated in the integer pointed to by the actualp argument and returns the number of interrupt handles in the interrupt handle array pointed to by the h_array argument. Specific interrupts are always specified by the combination of interrupt type and inum. For legacy devices, inum refers to the nth inter- rupt, typically as defined by the devices interrupts property. For PCI fixed interrupts, inum refers to the interrupt number. The inum is the relative interrupt vector number, from 0 to 31 for MSI, from 0 to 2047 for MSI-X. The first interrupt vector is 0, 31 or 2047 is the last relative vector. The h_array must be pre-allocated by the caller as a count sized array of ddi_intr_handle_t's. If MSI interrupts are being allocated, the count argument passed should be a number between 1 and 32, specified as a power of two. If count is not specified as a power of two, the error DDI_EINVAL is returned. The value of the behavior flag controls the allocation algorithm. If the behavior is set to DDI_INTR_ALLOC_STRICT, the call fails if less than count interrupts are currently available. If behavior is not set to DDI_INTR_ALLOC_STRICT, the call returns count or less number of interrupts. If any interrupts are allocated, the number of interrupts allocated is returned in the int pointed to by the actualp argument and ddi_intr_alloc() returns DDI_SUCCESS. If behavior is DDI_INTR_ALLOC_STRICT and the requested count interrupt is not satisfied, ddi_intr_alloc() returns the number of interrupts currently available for the given interrupt type in the int pointed to by the actualp argument. The handle for each allocated interrupt, if any, is returned in the array of handles given by the h_array argument. The ddi_intr_free() function releases the system resources and interrupt vectors associated with the ddi_intr_handle_t h, including any resources associated with the handle h itself. Once freed, the handle h should not be used in any further calls. The ddi_intr_free() function should be called once for each handle in the handle array. The ddi_intr_alloc() and ddi_intr_free() functions return: DDI_SUCCESS On success. DDI_EAGAIN Not enough interrupt resources.. DDI_EINVAL On encountering invalid input parameters. DDI_INTR_NOTFOUND On failure to find the interrupt. DDI_FAILURE On any implementation specific failure. CONTEXT
The ddi_intr_alloc() and ddi_intr_free() functions can be called from kernel non-interrupt context. See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Interface Stability |Evolving | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ attributes(5), ddi_intr_add_handler(9F), ddi_intr_block_enable(9F), ddi_intr_disable(9F), ddi_intr_enable(9F), ddi_intr_get_cap(9F), ddi_intr_get_nintrs(9F), ddi_intr_get_pri(9F), ddi_intr_get_supported_types(9F), ddi_intr_remove_handler(9F) Consumers of these interfaces should verify that the return value is not equal to DDI_SUCCESS. Incomplete checking for failure codes could result in inconsistent behavior among platforms. If a device driver that uses MSI and MSI-X interrupts resets the device, the device might reset its configuration space modifications. Such a reset could cause a device driver to lose any MSI and MSI-X interrupt usage settings that have been applied. 22 Apr 2005 ddi_intr_alloc(9F)
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