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ncheck(8) [bsd man page]

NCHECK(8)						      System Manager's Manual							 NCHECK(8)

ncheck - generate names from i-numbers SYNOPSIS
ncheck [ -i numbers ] [ -a ] [ -s ] [ filesystem ] DESCRIPTION
Ncheck with no argument generates a pathname vs. i-number list of all files on a set of default file systems. Names of directory files are followed by `/.'. The -i option reduces the report to only those files whose i-numbers follow. The -a option allows printing of the names `.' and `..', which are ordinarily suppressed. The -s option reduces the report to special files and files with set-user-ID mode; it is intended to discover concealed violations of security policy. A file system may be specified. The report is in no useful order, and probably should be sorted. SEE ALSO
sort(1), dcheck(8), fsck(8), icheck(8) DIAGNOSTICS
When the file system structure is improper, `??' denotes the `parent' of a parentless file and a pathname beginning with `...' denotes a loop. 3rd Berkeley Distribution NCHECK(8)

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ncheck_ufs(1M)						  System Administration Commands					    ncheck_ufs(1M)

ncheck_ufs - generate pathnames versus i-numbers for ufs file systems SYNOPSIS
ncheck -F ufs [generic_options] [-o m] [special]... DESCRIPTION
ncheck -F ufs generates a pathname versus i-number list of files for the ufs file system residing on special. Names of directory files are followed by `/.'. OPTIONS
See ncheck(1M) for the list of generic_options supported. -o Specify ufs file system specific options. The available option is: m Print mode information. ATTRIBUTES
See attributes(5) for descriptions of the following attributes: +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ | ATTRIBUTE TYPE | ATTRIBUTE VALUE | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ |Availability |SUNWcsu | +-----------------------------+-----------------------------+ SEE ALSO
ff(1M), ncheck(1M), attributes(5) DIAGNOSTICS
When the file system structure is improper, `??' denotes the "parent" of a parentless file and a pathname beginning with `...' denotes a loop. SunOS 5.11 18 Dec 1991 ncheck_ufs(1M)
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